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The Knights of the Cross became pale and Sir de Fourcy looked at them askance. "What will happen now?" asked Brother Rotgier, who was the first to break the silence. Hugo von Danveld turned to Sir de Fourcy and menacing him with his fists, said: "Why did you tell him that you attacked Jurand?" "Because it is true!" "You should have lied." "I came here to fight and not to lie."

In the Rue des Postes, No. 26, is the seminary for young men destined for missionaries to the colonies; a bas relief representing a missionary preaching, above the pediment of the church, is the only striking object. At No. 3, Rue de Fourcy, is the Irish college, rather a handsome building, with some trees about it which add to the effect.

Sir de Fourcy was surprised. "The same whom you propose to capture?" "Yes. And when we capture her, Jurand is ours." "Evidently everything is not bad that comes from Jurand. It will be worth while to guard such a prisoner." "Do you think it will be easier to fight with her than with Jurand?" "I mean that I think the same as you do.

"Are you threatening me?" interrupted de Fourcy. "No, but I kill!" answered Danveld. And he thrust his knife into de Fourcy's side with such strength, that the blade disappeared up to the hilt.

Toward evening Jurand spoke again, and began to inquire about those brethren of the Order who were at the Forest Court, and Zbyszko narrated everything their complaints, their departure, the death of de Fourcy, his follower's action in crushing Danveld's arm so terribly, and, as he spoke, one circumstance recurred strikingly to his mind, namely the presence in the Forest Court of that woman who brought the healing balsams from Danveld.

"Ej! you shall not fulfill your threat. The Order knows how to punish not only the monks " Sir de Fourcy being excited by these words, drew his sword, and seized the blade with his left hand; his right hand he put on the hilt and said: "On this hilt which is in the form of the cross, on St.

Here the brothers of the Order looked at one another, and their faces changed in the twinkling of an eye. Hugo von Danveld, especially, looked questioningly into Zygfried von Loeve's eyes; then he turned to Sir de Fourcy: "Your ancestors," said he, "used to serve in the Order, and you wished to join it also; but we do not receive traitors." "And I do not wish to serve with traitors."

Listen! we must say that Janusz did not wish to listen to our complaints against Jurand, but that he ordered the accuser to be murdered." In the meanwhile, de Fourcy turned in the last convulsion on his back and then remained motionless, with a bloody froth on his lips and with dread pictured in his widely-opened dead eyes.

"We will declare," said Danveld in a feeble voice, "that the shield-bearer murdered de Fourcy." "It is their latest crime and the culprit is known!" added Rotgier. In the meanwhile, the Czech rushed as fast as he could to the prince's hunting residence, and finding the prince still there, he told him first, what had happened.

Only a foreigner from a far distant country, like de Lorche or de Fourcy, would do it; but de Lorche was not present during the conversation, and Sir de Fourcy was still too frightened. "I have seen him once," he muttered, "and I do not wish to see him any more."