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Having grown up myself so far amid abundant opportunity, and been carefully looked after, I found that I was quite prepared to enter the class above the lowest, except in one or two minor matters, easily picked up. Thus forewarned, I came forearmed. There were probably in every class a dozen who could have done the same, but they accepted the prevailing custom without question.

Ten days were thus spent by the two armies, without coming into general action, until Mardonius, on becoming impatient, against the advice of Artabazus, second in command, resolved to commence the attack. The Greeks were forewarned of his intention, by Alexander of Macedon, who came secretly to the Greek camp at night—a proof that he, as well as others, were impatient of the Persian yoke.

Still less should you do that. You should come in with good-natured carelessness, like an absent-minded man who has forgotten his purse, the statement which he has drawn up for the minister, his pocket-handkerchief or his snuff-box. In that case you will either catch two lovers together, or your wife, forewarned by the maid, will have hidden the celibate.

It was well they were forewarned, and that they were constitutionally obedient. A few minutes later, and they were all swept up high on the beach in a wilderness of foam. The return of that wilderness was like the rushing of a millrace. Sand, stones, sticks, and seaweed went back with it in dire confusion.

Crawford had been very shy of the old Quaker, who had spoken so plainly to him; but his words made some impression on him, though no one would have supposed so, as there was no change in his conduct towards his daughter. He had forewarned her of the consequences, if she acted in opposition to his wishes. He had told her that he would disown her forever.

Now tell me, as honestly as you dare, how do you believe your husband gets his living?" "I have not the least idea, but I fear the worst." "You do right," he said. "Forewarned is forearmed, and, at the risk of frightening you, I must bid you prepare for the worst.

I will, however, remind you of one or two facts, and point out to you the consequences of your action, so that hereafter you may be unable to plead you were not forewarned. You will please bear in mind that YOU have abandoned ME; I have not abandoned you.

She might do her best to try to penetrate the darkness, it was only by her hearing that she was forewarned of the coming events, aided a little by her sense of smell, as the perfume of the flowers was increased as if a breath were mingled with it. And so for several nights the steps resounded under the balcony, and she listened as they came nearer, until they reached the walls under her feet.

Nevertheless, there is little to be apprehended from any conventional theory, by one who is forewarned of its mere negative power, that it can, at best, only suppress feeling; for no one ever was, or ever can be, argued into a real liking for what he has once felt to be false. But, where the feeling is genuine, and not the mere reflex of a popular notion, so far as it goes it must be true.

"You know a part of him what he has chosen to show you. But you don't know the rest." "The rest? What is the rest?" "Whatever it may be. There is sure to be plenty of it." "I know what you mean," said Catherine, remembering how Morris had forewarned her. "You mean that he is mercenary." Her father looked up at her still, with his cold, quiet reasonable eye.