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Updated: August 15, 2024

I looked about for Madame Fosco next, and found her following her favourite circle round and round the fish-pond. I was a little doubtful how she would meet me, after the outbreak of jealousy of which I had been the cause so short a time since. But her husband had tamed her in the interval, and she now spoke to me with the same civility as usual.

Deucedly disappointed at being obliged to give up their wine, the two heroes seized their cocked hats, and went towards the spot which the widow in her wild exclamations of despair had sufficiently designated. Trippet was for running to the fish-pond at the rate of ten miles an hour. "Take it easy, my good fellow," said Captain Blackbeard; "running is unwholesome after dinner.

A despotic monarch can follow the impulses of humanity without scruple. When Vidius Pollio ordered one of his slaves to be cut to pieces and thrown into his fish-pond, the Emperor Augustus commanded him to emancipate immediately, not only that slave, but all his slaves.

Then he astonished the pitmen by attaching an alarum to the clock of the watchman whose duty it was to call them betimes in the morning. He also contrived a wonderful lamp which burned under water, with which he was afterwards wont to amuse the Brandling family at Gosforth,—going into the fish-pond at night, lamp in hand, attracting and catching the fish, which rushed wildly towards the flame.

When Vidius Pollio, in the presence of Augustus, ordered one of his slaves, who had committed a slight fault, to be cut into pieces and thrown into his fish-pond, in order to feed his fishes, the emperor commanded him, with indignation, to emancipate immediately, not only that slave, but all the others that belonged to him.

Alluded to by the Roman Poet as Vox, et praeterea nihil. Stall No. 2. Money-changing. Stall No. 3. Programmes and General Enquiries. Stall No. 4. Roses. A rose by any other name, etc. Get one. You can't expect to smell one without buying it, but you may buy one without smelling it. Stall No. 5. Lasenby Liberty Stall. Stall No. 6. Historical Costumes and Ceramics. Stall No. 7. The Fish-pond.

He had some smart little work-woman in reserve, no doubt in his fish-pond his Parc-aux-cerfs! He is very Louis XV., is my gentleman. He is in luck to be so handsome! However, he is ageing; his face shows it. He has taken up with some little milliner?" "Dear me, no," replied Lisbeth. "Oh!" cried Crevel, "what would I not do to hinder him from hanging up his hat!

There is a natural fish-pond there near Flats Village, in which there is a great lot of these critters, which are about the size of the cod. They will rise to the surface, and approach the bank for you to tickle their sides, which seems to afford them particular delight." "It is what you would call, I suppose, practical soft sawdering."

"Let us see who can beat that," they cried; and there was a general search for pebbles, which were flung at random among the flower-beds. "One may easily throw such as those," said the Viscount, who was poking under the wall of the first terrace; "but here is a stone that one may call a stone. Who will send this into the fish-pond? It will make a fountain of itself."

It was found that this saw had been bought by the physician. He was now charged with the crime. Thereupon a young lad who had been his accomplice came forward and told the story. The bodies were found in the fish-pond. The guilty slave was tortured. He confessed the deed, and he also confessed, his mistress declared, that he had given poison to Oppianicus at the instance of Cluentius.

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