United States or Gabon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Consequently the Spanish commercial treaty with the United States was concluded, which certainly had not been concluded before, owing to any fault of the Spanish Government.

"Six times I brought it, and you were never here; so to-night I just kicked it into the tent and came off without it. It seems to have been about the right thing to do." "What, my basket!" "Your basket. And it was filled with wild flowers, the prettiest I could find. It's your own fault for not coming before." "I never set any day that I know of. I have been up to town."

A powerful man, slightly crippled by rheumatism, loquacious, lively, fond of his family, proud of his neat gray frame house, and his new cement sidewalk, and his carefully tended yard and garden patch. In all her life Tessie had never seen a caress exchanged between her parents. Nowadays Ma Golden had little occasion for finding fault with Tessie's evening diversion.

Poor Clement! such was his reward for the interview where I had used him so ill, and been so unjust to him. For, as we came to understand, it really was all that wretched little Cecile's fault.

Anne could not have chosen a school more judiciously, and that if one had daughter oneself this is exactly where one would wish to place her. If there is a fault of any kind in the arrangements, it is that they do not keep cats enough. The place is overrun with mice, though what these can find to eat I know not.

He gave the twisted, difficult, rather foolish smile of one who is cursing the mortification of a predicament into which he has been cast through no fault of his own. "Please what?" "Please sit down." He waved a hand, deprecatingly, and obeyed. "It's all right," he said. "All right! I ought to have known " Then he smiled generously. "Known what?" Her voice was now weak and liquid with woe.

Still his wonder and his trouble found no words and the shadow on his face was reflected swiftly in her own. "I beg you to believe, monsieur, that never before never have I done such a thing. My greatest fault was to be out in the garden after sunset when all Moslem women should be within. But my nurse was indulgent." Almost pleadingly she looked up at the young man. "Believe this of me, monsieur.

It made him still more wroth to think that the fault was none of his. All his life he had reckoned, as a matter of course, that when his father passed away he would be left almost a millionaire. A single half-hour's conversation had shattered this delusion and left him face to face with ruin. He lost his sleep and became restless and hollow-eyed.

If in the later, summer months you find the grass marked with footsteps around that grave on Copp's Hill I told you of, and flowers scattered over it, you may be sure that Iris is here on her annual visit to the home of her childhood and that excellent lady whose only fault was, that Nature had written out her list of virtues an ruled paper, and forgotten to rub out the lines.

The fault of this method is not, as is sometimes supposed, that it assumes principles in a subject where none are to be sought; but that its principles are built on a miserably narrow and perverted basis. That there are principles of criticism, that the artist's search for beauty must be guided by some idea, is obvious enough.