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"Quite right too; it ought to be vigorously prosecuted attack should follow attack." "We shall hear of one or more before long," went on Mr. Faulks, growing more and more garrulous. "Our advanced trenches are creeping very near, and I expect any day to hear that the French have stormed the Mamelon, and our people the Quarries." "Indeed? That is very interesting.

"I have been five-and-thirty years in this office " began Mr. Faulks. "Oh! don't bother me with your historical reminiscences," said Sir Humphrey, cutting him short. "And never, during all that period " went on Mr. Faulks, manfully. " Have you done anything to-day that could be put off till to-morrow?

Faulks," he said, and with an air of the greatest importance the hard-worked, indispensable official tore open the cover. It contained a few hurried lines from Sir Humphrey Fothergill to the following effect: "A telegram has just been received from Lord Raglan. It contains painful news for you; but I thought it best to let you have it at once." He opened the telegram with trembling hands and read

Faulks, new to official life, but a promising party politician, with a great belief in himself and his importance as a member of the House of Commons; "you must have come late." "Pardon me, I was here at my usual time; but in the thirty-five years that I have had the honour to serve in the Military Munition Department I never remember a Parliamentary chief who came so early as you."

We have seen how the news of Stanislas McKay's capture by the Russians was communicated to his uncle, Mr. Faulks. Next day the brief telegram announcing it was published in the morning papers, with many strong comments.

There was a set attack upon this department, and they handled us very roughly, let me tell you. It made my ears tingle." "We have been abused cruelly unfairly abused for the last twelve months," said Mr. Faulks with a most injured air. "You richly deserved it. Amongst you the troops in the Crimea have been dying from starvation, perishing from cold." "I can assure you that is distinctly unjust.