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The Bakerian lecture, entitled "The Electro-Dynamic Properties of Metal," was delivered by Sir William Thomson in 1855, and by that and kindred contributions to scientific literature he was rapidly laying the foundation of his great reputation.

'This, the account says, 'was kind of rough on the poor woman. The day before I 'scooted, a new machine appeared before the house, drawn by six horses. 'What are them men foolin' round with, Mr. C.? said I. 'That's hubby's latest, replied Ned. 'I guess it's the boss electro-dynamic fixin' in the universe.

But before he has long experimented with the extreme frequencies required to set up in a small bulb an electromotive force of several thousands of volts he realizes the great importance of electrostatic effects, and these effects grow relatively to the electro-dynamic in significance as the frequency is increased.

Another line of experiment, which has been assiduously followed, was to induce by electro-dynamic induction a current or luminous discharge in an exhausted tube or bulb. This matter has received such able treatment at the hands of Prof. J.J. Thomson that I could add but little to what he has made known, even had I made it the special subject of this lecture.

Pioneers of Electricity. By J. Munro. Dynamo-Electric Machinery. By Silvanus P. Thompson. A Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms, and Phrases. By Edwin J. Houston. Electricity and Magnetism. By Edwin J. Houston. Electricity One Hundred Years Ago and To-Day. By Edwin J. Houston. Magnetism; Electro-Technical Series. By Edwin J. Houston and Arthur E. Kennelly. Electro-Dynamic Machinery.

Now, if anything is desirable in this case, it is to increase the frequency, and this would make it still worse for the electro-dynamic effects. On the other hand, it is easy to exalt the electrostatic action as far as one likes by taking more turns on the secondary, or combining self-induction and capacity to raise the potential.

"With whatever physical cause," he adds, "we may wish to connect the phenomena produced by electro-dynamic action, the formula I have obtained will always remain the expression of the facts," and he explicitly indicated that if one could succeed in deducing his formula from the consideration of the vibrations of a fluid distributed through space, an enormous step would have been taken in this department of physics.

A thought which naturally presents itself in connection with high frequency currents, is to make use of their powerful electro-dynamic inductive action to produce light effects in a sealed glass globe. The leading-in wire is one of the defects of the present incandescent lamp, and if no other improvement were made, that imperfection at least should be done away with.

He cannot multiply the electro-dynamic inductive effect by taking more turns in the primary, for he arrives at the conclusion that the best way is to work with one single turn though he must sometimes depart from this rule and he must get along with whatever inductive effect he can obtain with one turn.

It would no doubt be found that the electro-dynamic condition of the white and red corpuscles of the blood was quite different after sex union, and that the chemical composition of the fluid of the blood was quite changed. And in this renewal lies the great magic of sex. The life of an individual goes on apparently the same from day to day.