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Updated: August 29, 2024

And the fact was that she made a goddess and an only child of the effete and tearful lady; and even as she waited at table her hands would sometimes itch for my lord's ears. Thus, at least, when the family were at Hermiston, not only my lord, but Mrs. Weir too, enjoyed a holiday. The child was her next bond to life.

Ha! mine is not yet disabused of this belief. I am older now, but the hour of disenchantment has not yet come upon me nor ever will. There is a romance in life, that is no illusion. It lives not in the effete forms and childish ceremonies of the fashionable drawing-room it has no illustration in the tinsel trappings and gaudy puerilities of a Court.

I demanded, for my stock of sympathy was getting low. "Now that's a valuable suggestion, isn't it?" returned Mr. Dod with sarcasm. "Good old psychological moment that was, wasn't it? Talk about girls having tact! Besides, I've never told Isabel herself yet, and I'm not the American to give in to the effete and decaying custom of asking a girl's poppa, or momma if it's a case of widow, first.

They started, however, from a very different point of view, and for the present he criticised both Dickens and some of the similar denunciations contained in Carlyle's 'Past and Present, and 'Latter-day Pamphlets. The assault upon the 'Circumlocution Office' was, I doubt not, especially offensive because 'Barnacle Tite, and the effete aristocrats who are satirised in 'Little Dorrit, stood for representatives of Sir James Stephen and his best friends.

We see pride strengthened; the healthy curiosity, the desire to ask questions, killed." We are apt to console ourselves on this side of the ocean with the idea that these social problems appertain only to the effete monarchies of Europe, and have no application with us.

They have found that an occasional holding of the breath tends to purify the air which has remained in the lungs from former inhalations, and to more fully oxygenate the blood. They also know that the breath so retained gathers up all the waste matter, and when the breath is expelled it carries with it the effete matter of the system, and cleanses the lungs just as a purgative does the bowels.

Verily, the difference between tweedledum and tweedledee one being as absurd as the other. No one, coming from a land where all sects stand upon an equal footing, and where every church must depend for existence on its own inherent vitality, can fail to be struck with the effete and decrepit state of religion in Sweden and Norway.

It would be well for the world if, instead of cramming the brains of children with effete ideas and superstitions, the messages of these wise ones could be listened to and heeded. A thorough understanding of the laws of reembodiment, so far as we can know them, entirely refutes the belief and the feeling of the injustice of the Creator towards any human being.

There was a violent collision of peoples, manners, sentiments, usages; a subversion of the luxurious, intelligent, refined, and effete civilization; a rough infusion of barbaric vigor and barbaric ignorance.

This very festival Christmas how thoroughly he had been accustomed by an effete and degenerate "social set" to regard it as a "bore," an exploded superstition a saturnalia of beef and pudding a something which merely served as an excuse for throwing away good money on mere stupid sentiment. "Stupid" sentiment?

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