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"I'll see about that," said Antonia. "Do you happen to know, Pinkerton, if Miss Drummond's window is open?" "Sure to be, miss; every window in the house is kept open during this sultry weather." "There's no time to be lost," murmured Antonia; "I must scale the wall." She left her own bedroom in a hurry, and ran downstairs.

I should, however, here note, that Mr Witherspoon was not so severely dealt with as I was; for though an outcast and a fugitive, yet he was not a prisoner; on the contrary, under the kindly cover of the Lady Auchterfardel, whose excellent and truly covenanted husband was a sore sufferer by the fines of the year 1662, he received great hospitality for the space of sixteen days, and was saved between two feather beds, on the top of which the laird's aged mother, a bed-rid woman, was laid, when some of Drummond's men searched the house on an information against him.

If the son of a cotton-spinner become a statesman, it is because statesmanship needs him, and he has some power answering to its wants. And if Mr. Drummond's son become a cotton-spinner, it is because that is his right place, and the world will be the better and the richer that Mr. Drummond's son is a cotton-spinner, and that he is a learned man too; but, if Mr.

Then, finding so earnest a listener, he went on to describe to her the situation of other places on the Peninsula, and the character of the country, and the severities of the climate in the region of the great struggle. Daisy listened, with her eyes varying between Captain Drummond's face and the map. The Black Sea became known to Daisy thence and forever.

'The Harringtons have had to mourn a dreadful mesalliance. Pity the Countess! 'Oh! the Countess! the Countess! exclaimed Rose to Drummond's pathetic shake of the head.

Pinkerton soon returned with the information that Miss Drummond's door was locked, that she could not see her maid anywhere, but that she heard sounds proceeding from within the room which led her to infer that the forty winks were being enjoyed. "But there's no use in your going to her, Miss Antonia," said Pinkerton, "for she won't hear you however hard you knock."

The reader will be startled by the amazing truths set forth and, the completeness of their revelations. Life behind the scenes is stripped bare of all its glamor. Young women whom the stage attracts should read this story. There is a ringing damnation in it. =MRS. DRUMMOND'S VOCATION, by Mark Ryce=

Nevertheless, we have here a most interesting transformation in thought. These ideas and principles, as is well known, were elaborated and advanced upon in a very popular book, Drummond's Ascent of Man, 1894. Even the title was a happy and suggestive one. Struggle for life is a fact, but it is not the whole fact. It is balanced by the struggle for the life of others.

"I simply wrote to my steward that a messenger must be sent to Erfurt, at once; to order Major Drummond's soldier servant to come here, at all speed, with his master's horse and belongings. "'Make what arrangements you like, I said, 'for relays of horses; but anyhow, he must get to Erfurt in three days, and I will give him four for coming back again with the man.

What it would immediately do was present to nobody so clearly, however, as to Mr Henry Cruickshank, who decided that he would, after all, accept Dr Drummond's invitation to spend the night with him, and find out the little he didn't know already about this young man. That evening the Murchisons' doorbell rang twice. The first time it was to admit the Rev.