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There is a great number of varieties, including white, pink, scarlet, and double-flowering. It is quite hardy at Kew. R. RACEMOSUM. Central China, 1880. A neat little species, of dwarf, compact growth, from the Yunnan district of China. The flowers are pale pink edged with a deeper tint, about an inch across, and borne in terminal and axillary clusters.

It forms an upright, branching bush usually about 3 ft. high, and is best known under the name of S. confusa. S. PRUNIFOLIA. China and Japan, 1845. A twiggy-branched shrub growing 4 feet or 5 feet high, with oval, Plum-like leaves, and white flowers. There is a double-flowering variety named S. prunifolia flore-pleno, which is both distinct and beautiful. S. ROTUNDIFOLIA. Round-leaved Spiraea.

There is also a white variety of this found in gardens. ERICA vulgaris. There is now in cultivation in the gardens a double-flowering variety of this plant, which is highly interesting and of singular beauty. It grows readily in bog earth, and is raised by layers. ERICA Daboeica.

This conception leads to an experiment which is the basis of a practical method much used in France in order to get a higher percentage of seeds of double-flowering plants. This method consists in cutting off, in the first place the upper parts of all the larger spikes, in the second place, the upper third part of each pod, and lastly all the small and weak twigs.

Such trials would no doubt give an insight into the relations of hereditary characters to the distribution of the food within the plant. A second point is the proportional increase of the double-flowering seeds with age. If seed is kept for two or three years, the greater part of the grains will gradually die, and among the remainder there is found on sowing, a higher percentage of double ones.

The Japanese are really wise in beginning their New Year in spring. The first of April, cherry blossom day, is made the great day of all the year. There are millions of cherry blossoms on trees larger than many of our largest apple trees wonderful double-flowering, beautiful trees, just one mass of pink blossoms as far as the eye can reach.

It is commonly, when found wild, of a blue colour, but when the seeds are sown in the garden a variety of tints is produced. It is a perennial, but easily raised from seed, which should be sown in the spring. ANTHEMIS maritima. A double-flowering variety of this plant used to be common in the gardens near London, but is now scarce: it is very beautiful, and constantly in bloom during summer.

"Why can't we go to the Arakawa Ridge?" suggested Mary, consulting a guide book. "It's only seven miles from here on the Sumida River and there are miles and miles of road bordered by double-flowering cherry trees." This was agreeable to all concerned, and, accordingly, Komatsu guided them to this famous spot, the pride of Tokyo. On the way they passed hundreds of people in jinrikshas or on foot.

The flowers are few but pretty, and with the dwarf habit render the plant an excellent subject for rockwork. G. TINCTORIA. Dyers' Greenweed. This is a spineless species, and bears a profusion of yellow flowers from July onwards. The double-flowering variety, G. tinctoria flore-pleno, is, in so far as ornamental qualities are concerned, superior to the parent form.

SWEET-BRIAR. Is a very fragrant shrub, for which it has long been cultivated in the gardens. There are several varieties in the nurseries; as the Double-flowering, Evergreen, &c. which are much esteemed. RUBUS Idaeus. THE RASPBERRY. Produces a well known fruit in great esteem, and of considerable use both as food and for medicine. RUBUS fruticosus.