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You'll have to be away a good deal, of course, as the other boys are, and a mile is 'a goodish bit, as Imogen would say. It would make all the difference in the world if I had the sisters close at hand to 'put my lips to when so dispoged." "Why, of course we will. Geoff built the Hutlet, you know; I didn't put any money into it.

'Who's lying dead upstairs; sech was his Bible language; and where was Mr Chuzzlewit as had the only son; and when he goes upstairs a-looking in the beds and wandering about the rooms, and comes down again a-whisperin' softly to his-self about foul play and that; it gives me sech a turn, I don't deny it, Mr Chuzzlewit, that I never could have kep myself up but for a little drain o' spirits, which I seldom touches, but could always wish to know where to find, if so dispoged, never knowin' wot may happen next, the world bein' so uncertain.

"Mrs Harris," I says, at the very last case as ever I acted in, which it was but a young person, "Mrs Harris," I says, "leave the bottle on the chimley-piece, and don't ask me to take none, but let me put my lips to it when I am so dispoged, and then I will do what I'm engaged to do, according to the best of my ability."

Sairey Gamp Bottle on the chimney-piece, and let me put my lips to it, when I am so dispoged! fell into one of the walking swoons; in which pitiable state she was conducted forth by Mr Sweedlepipe, who, between his two patients, the swooning Mrs Gamp and the revolving Bailey, had enough to do, poor fellow.

As a class, the players had no social position of any kind, although the great ones of the earth, the men of rank, never hesitated to hobnob with them when, like Mrs. Gamp, they felt "so dispoged."

But what I always says to them as has the management of matters, Mrs Harris" here she kept her eye on Mr Pecksniff "be they gents or be they ladies, is, don't ask me whether I won't take none, or whether I will, but leave the bottle on the chimley-piece, and let me put my lips to it when I am so dispoged." The conclusion of this affecting narrative brought them to the house.

For to have the name "Snuffey" brought forward it is what the heart can forgive, but never forget in this valley of the shaddock. I have nussed a many lunacies, Betsy, and in a general way am dispoged to humour them rather than set them right up agin the fire when fractious.

Gamp's abstemiousness, on the understanding that is, that the latter's one golden rule of life, is complied with "'Leave the bottle on the chimbley-piece, and don't ast me to take none, but let me put my lips to it when I am so dispoged, and then, Mrs. Harris, I says, I will do what I am engaged to, according to the best of my ability. 'Mrs.