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"The profaned palace, the insolent luxury of that thief, the Prince who has sold his family, the Baron whose part is so sinister. I could no longer contain myself! That Baron, above all, with his directives! Words to repeat when one is German, to a French soldier who fought in 1870, like those words of Monsieur de Moltke!

The entire lower portion of the windows was covered with thin pages of typescript, mostly yellowed, dusty and curled at the edges orders, instructions, directives, memoranda, all Urgent, For Immediate Action, Important, Priority, On No Account, or At All Costs.

"The profaned palace, the insolent luxury of that thief, the Prince who has sold his family, the Baron whose part is so sinister. I could no longer contain myself! That Baron, above all, with his directives! Words to repeat when one is German, to a French soldier who fought in 1870, like those words of Monsieur de Moltke!

On the bridge, Captain Nails had been annoyed. Too many queries from people who really didn't have authority over his satellite. Too many directives and counter-directives were flooding at him from various officials on Earth. Some one down there even had the temerity to suggest that Security take over not officially, just sort of take over. If that didn't take the cake, he thought.

"But each of us here owns land and it is necessary to keep us alive to send back directives to our bankers and foremen to give aid in one form or another to Sharkey and the Division Chiefs." "I see," said Connel. "If you were to die, then your property would be out of their reach." "Exactly," said Carson. "Is Sharkey the real leader of the movement?" "I don't believe so. But then, no one knows.

"Too many new things, and too much changing names. We have to call slaves freedmen; we have to call Lords Master Lords-Employer; we have to call the Management of Servile Affairs the Management for Freedmen. Now we have to call the Mastership this new name, Commonwealth. And all these new things, for which we have no routine procedures and no directives.

A brutal and rather sudden introduction of competition in hitherto much-sheltered sectors of the economy, giving up recently hard-won sovereignty, shouldering the debilitating cost of the implementation of reams of guideline, statutes, laws, decrees, and directives, and being largely powerless to influence policy outcomes. Faced with such a predicament, some countries may even reconsider.

And it gives directives to the local committees, 'Send Communists to the front. The case is precisely the same with the Agrarian question, with that of supply, and with all other questions whatsoever." No one denies these facts, but their mere statement is quite inadequate to explain what is being done in Russia and how it is being done.

To suppress beforehand all probability of popular opposition, it has had the sessions of the sections reduced to two per week; it installs in these sections, for about forty sous a day, a majority of sans-culottes; it orders the suspension "until further directives" of all municipal elections.

I have codified our evolving strategic doctrine in a number of interrelated and mutually supporting Presidential Directives.