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As the deteriorating process advances, does not the guilt diminish? and now, in these ends of the ages, and in these dark habitations of cruelty, has not the culpability run down to a minimum, which God in the day of judgment will "wink at?"

Even before the outbreak of hostilities he had significantly reminded Charles IV. that the Spanish marine was deteriorating, and her arsenals and dockyards were idle: "But England is not asleep; she is ever on the watch and will never rest until she has seized on the colonies and commerce of the world."

You had touched the higher life at that time; you had felt such rapture in it as has never come to you since even among the best people I am sure; yet you fell away; you deserted Beth not basely, perhaps, but weakly; and you have been deteriorating ever since." He had started straight in his chair when she mentioned Beth Caldwell, and was staring at her now with puzzled intentness.

It's because of your deteriorating influence, I suppose. And yet I trust you, in spite of my instincts and my eyes. I'm seriously put out with you." "Why?" "I'll tell you later, if you're at a loss," she said, as Mrs. Kame and Mr. Grainger appeared. Eight years have elapsed since that day and this writing an aeon in this rapidly moving Republic of ours.

To test this proposition, it has to be examined in reference to the two branches into which, as pointed out in the last chapter, the inquiry into the goodness of a government conveniently divides itself, namely, how far it promotes the good management of the affairs of society by means of the existing faculties, moral, intellectual, and active, of its various members, and what is its effect in improving or deteriorating those faculties.

Champagne and ginger-beer are all the same when you stand to win or lose thousands, with this only difference, that champagne may have deteriorating results which the more innocent beverage will not produce.

It will, for instance, enable a man to lead the life he needs in order to preserve his physical and mental vigour at its highest. Even from the moralist's point of view it is all round desirable, for nothing is so morally deteriorating as a life of narrow and cramped pinching, when all one's best years are spent in hungering and longing for what one will never again attain."

This is, of course, impossible as long as women are driven into the factories, on night as well as day shifts, as long as children and girls and young women are driven into industries to labor that is physically deteriorating as a preparation for the supreme function of maternity.

But deteriorating causes had been at work, and though the volcano had not burst forth as yet, the material had been silently gathering through these four seemingly peaceful years. In the winter of my sixteenth or seventeenth year, after suffering several days from severe toothache, I was induced by my landlady, a pipe-smoker, to try tobacco as a remedy.

On every side people complain that this state of peace is worse than war ... individuals who despised Napoleon say that under him the suffering was not greater ... every country is sapping its own prosperity, so that financial conditions, in lieu of improving since Napoleon's collapse, are deteriorating every where."