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On the morning of the 10th Gregg and Wilson, while crossing the North Anna, were again attacked, but were covered by the division on the south side of the stream; the passage was effected without much loss, notwithstanding the approach of Stuart on the south bank from the direction of Davenport's bridge.

Apart from his uncle he had no near relatives, and with the exception of the five or six weeks in the year he had spent at Dick Davenport's house at Sydenham, he had always been in rooms. He had often felt lonely, but never quite so lonely as now now that the only person he had known intimately and for whom he had entertained any real affection, was suddenly taken away.

In short, the small connecting facts had no such significance in his mind, where they were not grouped away from other facts, as they must have in these pages, where their very presence together implies inter-relation. In his reports to Edna, a certain delicacy had made him touch lightly upon the traces of Davenport's love-affair.

You know the old Lapland song, in Longfellow: 'For a boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." A month passed. All the work in which Larcher had enlisted Davenport's cooperation was done. Larcher would have projected more, but the artist could not be pinned down to any definite engagement. He was non-committal, with the evasiveness of apathy.

"If you knew what it meant to me to grant your request," said he, "you wouldn't make it." "It can't mean more to you than this uncertainty, this dark mystery, is to me," said Florence, in a broken voice. "It was Davenport's wish that the matter should remain the closest secret. You don't know how earnestly he wished that."

On the morning of the 10th Gregg and Wilson, while crossing the North Anna, were again attacked, but were covered by the division on the south side of the stream; the passage was effected without much loss, notwithstanding the approach of Stuart on the south bank from the direction of Davenport's bridge.

"Suppose I tell you, then, that Squire Davenport I believe that is the title he goes by in your village owes your mother more than the amount of the mortgage." "Is this true?" said Ben, much surprised. "It is quite true." "But how can it be?" "Your father, at his death, held a note of Davenport's for a thousand dollars money which he had placed in his hands a note bearing six per cent. interest."

If Anna should put on Fanny's dress, and have it filled up so it would look any way decent, and attempt to go to Canada, she would be arrested for smuggling. Why, if Dickinson should put on a pair of Davenport's stockings, now for instance, it would be necessary to get out a search warrant to find her.

Apart from the face, it's only the effect of the whole body, and that rather in attitude and gait than in shape, which suggests the identity to the observer's eye; and of course the suggestion stops there if not borne out by the face. But if Davenport's hands might go unchanged, he decided that his handwriting should not.

Their son can scarcely be said to have fulfilled the promise of his early years, but seems to be content with an achievement which shows him to be an accomplished and finished, but by no means inspired or imaginative, actor. Another family as celebrated in American theatrical annals as that of John Drew was E. L. Davenport's.