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It is a sharp contrast to the armed force of the Culpepper Minute Men, who, under the leadership of Patrick Henry, marched to Williamsburg, Virginia, to demand instant restoration of powder to an old magazine, or payment for it by the Colonial Governor, Dunmore.

Mr. Culpepper nodded. "The worst of it is, girls don't like steady young men," he said, rumpling his thin grey hair; "that's the silly part of it." "But you was always steady, and Mrs. Culpepper married you," said the young man. Mr. Culpepper nodded again. "She thought I was, and that came to the same thing," he said, composedly.

Cavalry Captures Navy. Complimented by Superiors. General Advance of the Army. Third Cavalry Battle at Brandy Station. Stuart's Cavalry Worsted at Culpepper Court House. Sharp Artillery Practice at Raccoon Ford, on the Rapidan. Special Duties and Special Dangers. Good Living Along the Hazel and Robertson Rivers. Important Reconnoissance and Raid. Hard Fighting and Narrow Escape.

Kilpatrick's division advanced from Culpepper to Raccoon Ford on the Rapidan. Colonel Davies' brigade supported a battery of artillery a short distance from the ford from one till four P. M. The shelling from the enemy's batteries was terrific. Their position was admirable on the high bluff south of the ford, and the range was just right for execution.

He had, too the boy a valuable hatred for Culpepper that he allowed to transfer itself to Katharine herself: a brooding hatred that hung in his blue eyes as he gazed downwards at the barge floor or spat at the planks of the side. Its ferocity was augmented by the patches of plaster that stretched over his skull and dropped over one blonde eyebrow. 'Cod! he ejaculated. 'Cod! Cod!

In those days new boys came to town so rapidly that sometimes John met a boy in swimming whom he did not know, and, even in 1866, when Ellen and Molly Culpepper were giving a birthday party for Ellen, she declared that she "simply couldn't have all the new people there." And so in the sixties the boy and the town went through their raw, gawky, ugly adolescence together.

From the Richmond Sentinel we clip the following account of the battle, by a Rebel chaplain: CAMP IN CULPEPPER COUNTY, June 10, 1863. Tuesday, the ninth of June, will be memorable to General Stuart's command as the day on which was fought the longest and most hotly-contested cavalry battle of the war.

As the winter waned and the Spring Chickens waxed fat in social honours, Bob Hendricks glanced up from his algebra one day, and discovered that little Molly Culpepper had two red lips and two pig-tail braids of hair that reached below her waist.

Culpepper, who only said, "Yes, pa that's just like him." And the colonel looked puzzled. And when the colonel added, "They say he is shining up to that Mason girl from Minneola, that comes here with Molly," his wife returned, "Yes, I expected that sooner than now." The colonel gave the subject up. The ways of women were past his finding out. But Mrs.

At an early hour skirmishing commenced, and soon the commands of Hampton, the two Lees, Robinson, and Jones, were engaged along the whole Culpepper line, from Welford's Ford, on the Hazel, down to Stevensburg. Each command acted nobly, and the Yankees were forced, after a fight of nearly twelve hours, to recross the river with great losses.