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He was out at dawn and on his return after she had left he sat down and wrote the letter which Phyl received next morning. Silas was in love for the first time in his life, but love with Silas was a thing apart from the love of ordinary men. There was no worship of the object; the something that crystallises out in the form of love-letters, verses, bouquets, and candy was not there.

There is a second, which is far more obvious and arises out of the first. When a mental state is depicted to us with the object of making it dramatic, or even merely of inducing us to take it seriously, it gradually crystallises into ACTIONS which provide the real measure of its greatness.

Chemically pure Alizarin crystallises in bright-red needles; it is the colouring principle of madder, and also of Alizarin paste. But the most wonderful thing about substantive coal-tar colours is their immense tinctorial power, i.e. the very little quantity of each required compared with the immense superficies of cloth it will dye to a full shade.

The most magnificent waterfall in Europe, that of the Velino, near Terni, is partly fed by a stream containing calcareous matter dissolved by carbonic acid, and it deposits marble, which crystallises even in the midst of its thundering descent and foam in the bed in which it falls.

If society crystallises without her influence, the country is lost, and British Columbia will be another trap-door to the bottomless pit. 'What do you propose? I asked. 'Organising a little congregation here in Black Rock. 'How many will you get? 'Don't know. 'Pretty hopeless business, I said.

Reuben kept silence and listened. "Speak on!" he said at last. Amram therefore continued: "The tombs of the Pharaohs have also grown out of the earth on which they rest. The first or Great Pyramid is built after the pattern of sea-salt when it crystallises in the warmth of the sun.

He is not so volatile a man as I am, prone to ups and downs of hope and despair; but he has a fixed purpose which crystallises hope into belief. At times I had feared that there might have been two such stones, or that the adventures of Van Huyn were traveller's fictions, based on some ordinary acquisition of the curio in Alexandria or Cairo, or London or Amsterdam. But Mr.

The other Yaraan trees wailed for the sadness that death brought into the world, weeping tears of blood. The red gum which crystallises down their trunks is the tears. Some tribes say it was by a woman's fault that death came into the world. This legend avers that at first the tribes were meant to live for ever. The women were told never to go near a certain hollow tree.

It is an art wholly of rhetoric, that is to say wholly external; his emotion moves to slow music, crystallises into an attitude, dies upon a long-drawn-out word.

"Diamonds," he began and as he spoke his voice lost its faint flavour of the tramp and assumed something of the easy tone of an educated man "are to be made by throwing carbon out of combination in a suitable flux and under a suitable pressure; the carbon crystallises out, not as black-lead or charcoal-powder, but as small diamonds.