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You shall convert them, and I'll enlist them." "Enlist them! By Jove! that's an idea," said Forbes Thompson. "A patriotic league, a league of defenders, a nation in arms." "The Liberators!" "Ah! Yes, the Liberators." "Or the Patriots, simply?" "I would enrol them just as citizens," said Crondall. "By that time they should have learned the meaning of the word."

"And look at John Crondall!" "Ah, John is a wonderful man; Empire-taught, is John." "And I suppose the man who has never lived the outside life in the big, open places can never " And then I think she saw what had brought the twinge of sadness to me; for she touched my arm, her bright eyes gleamed upon me, and "You're a terribly impatient man, Dick," she said, with a smile.

Will you take Constance home? I'll get my fellow to whistle up a cab." Ten minutes earlier I should have been chilled by his implied guardianship of Constance; but now I had that within which warmed me through and through: the most effectual kind of protection against chill. So all was settled, and we left John Crondall to his letters.

We were discussing the possibilities of the Canadian preachers' pilgrimage, and Crondall said: "I know that some of you think I take too sanguine a view, but, mark my words, these meetings to-day are the beginning of the greatest religious, moral, and national revival that the British people have ever seen. I am certain of it.

It was then that John Crondall concentrated his efforts upon giving permanent national effect to our work of the previous year. Fortunately, the Government recognized that it would be an act of criminal wastefulness and extravagance to allow so splendid a defensive organization as ours to lapse because its immediate purpose had been served.

I thought of it whenever I took Constance's hand in greeting her; and I think my eyes must sometimes have told her what my heart always felt: that in me, this right to do as Crondall had done would have seemed an entry into Paradise, let circumstances and conditions be what they might.

There was the kiss, the long silence, John Crondall's stiffness, and then this look of distress, this hint of appeal, in the face of Constance. Well! And then my intimate knowledge of my chief would silence me, giving me assurance that I should never be a good enough man justly to reproach John Crondall. But it was all very puzzling, and more, to me, loving Constance as I loved her.

"Now, by my way of it, Stairs and Reynolds must succeed before we can succeed," said Crondall. "That is my view, and because that is so, you can both look to me, up till the last breath in me, for any kind of support I can give you for any kind of support at all. But that's not all. Where you sow, I mean to reap. We both want substantially the same harvest mine is part of yours.

That same night he assembled five thousand men without beat of drum in the park at Farnham, and at seven o'clock we marched off towards Basing. On the way to Crondall, we of the horse halted for an hour to let the foot regiments catch up with us, and all together headed down upon Alton.

I looked back toward my Fleet Street days, and I thanked God for the awakening of England, which had included my own awakening. My return to London was a matter of considerable personal interest to me, for Constance Grey was there, having been recalled by John Crondall from her active superintendence of nursing at Portsmouth.