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Robespierre headed the procession to the Champ de Mars; and he seemed on the occasion to have at length reached the grand realisation of all his hopes and desires. From this coup de théâtre he returned home, magnified in the estimation of the people, but ruined in the eyes of the Convention.

As they issued from the hut, a singular and interesting scene presented itself to their eyes. At one view one coup d'oeil they beheld the whole four species of the celebrated camel-sheep of the Andes; for there are four of them, llama, guanaco, alpaco, and vicuna! This was a rare sight, indeed.

At the edge of the clearing they gave a loud "O-hoo O-hoo O-hoo-oo," the Owl cry that they had adopted because it is commonly used by the Indians as a night signal, and they got the same in reply from within. "All right," shouted Caleb; "he done it, an' he's bully good stuff and gets an uncommon grand coup." "Wish I had gone now," said Guy. "I could 'a' done it just as well as Yan."

Moreover, the success at Maida, the general rising of the Calabrias that speedily followed, and Stuart's capture of Reggio, Cortone, and other towns, with large stores and forty cannon destined for the conquest of Sicily, scattered to the winds the French hope of carrying Sicily by a coup de main.

She felt that nothing he could have said or done would have forced her to give up without at least knowing whether or not the booty were in his possession. As she kept pace with Beverley she was screwing up her courage to one last, desperate coup. She would make it in spite of Angel!

Notwithstanding these fine buildings, one or more of which are to be found in all the principal streets, the coup d'oeil is every where the same. There is no Place de Louis Quinze or Carrousel, no Regent Street, or Green Park, to make one exclaim "how beautiful!" all is even, straight, uniform, and uninteresting.

It was a proud day for the young warrior when he counted his first coup, and each subsequent one was remembered and numbered in the warrior's mind, just as an American of to-day remembers the number of times he has been elected to Congress. At certain dances and religious ceremonies, like that of the Medicine Lodge, the warriors counted or rather re-counted their coups.

The clergy were favorable to him. The soldiers, in the autumn of 1850, began to shout "Vive I'Empereur!" Movements of this kind, together with petitions for a revision of the constitution, provoked hostility in the Assembly. The struggle between the president and that body culminated in the "Coup d'Etat" of December 2, 1851. St.

The slaves and freedmen of Lentulus and of the others arrested were stirring; plans, it was alleged, were contrived to liberate them by force from the private houses in which they were detained; there was no lack thanks to the anarchist doings of recent years of ringleaders in Rome who contracted at a certain rate for riots and deeds of violence; Catilina, in fine, was informed of what had occurred, and was near enough to attempt a coup de main with his bands.

As Moreau had been of service to Bonaparte in his coup d'etat, he was placed at the head of the army of the Rhine joined to the army of Helvetia, taken from Massena on the morrow of his most brilliant victories. Distrust and ill-will struggled with his admiration of Bonaparte in the mind of the conqueror of Zurich; he was sent to the army of Italy, always devoted to Bonaparte.