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The effect of this was wild and grotesque. They wore much paint and feather head-dresses. "Indians without paint are poor coots," said a gentleman who had been a great deal with, and really liked, them; and I like the effect of the paint on them; it reminds of the gay fantasies of nature.

'How long be you goin' to keep them coots? says I. 'Coots! says he; 'them's converse-back ducks. 'Converse-back ducks! says I; 'them 's coots, says I, 'and they're gittin' to be old coots too, says I. 'You come from Maine, I guess, don't ye? says he.

And by the token of our years it was brought to us that war is the game of youth. We were two middle-aged old coots though still in our forties and not altogether blind to a pretty face and yet the oldest people on the boat. Even the altruistic side of war is the game of youth.

As the sun rose she stood up in the boat, and shading her eyes with her hand to shut out its level rays, looked before her. "There is the place," she said, pointing to a little bulrush-clad isle, from which a kind of natural causeway, not more than six feet wide, projected like a tongue among muddy shallows peopled by coots and water-hens with their red-beaked young. Martin rose too.

For the purpose of the regulations, migratory game birds were defined as Ducks, Geese, Swans, Rails, Coots, Pigeons, Cranes, and shore birds, which included Plover, Snipe, Woodcock, and Sandpipers. Migratory insectivorous birds were enumerated as Thrushes, Orioles, Larks, Swallows, Wrens, Woodpeckers, and all other perching birds that feed entirely or chiefly on insects.

"Avicenna, after this, is for having the part anointed with the syrup of hellebore, using proper evacuations and purges and I believe rightly. But thou must eat little or no goat's flesh, nor red deer nor even foal's flesh by any means; and carefully abstain that is, as much as thou canst, from peacocks, cranes, coots, didappers and water-hens.

Just then the road was leading them along by the bank of a fine old hammer pond, a great black-looking pool surrounded by a dense growth of alders and water-loving shrubs, while sedge, reed, and rush flourished wonderfully, and formed a mazy home for the abundant moorhens and coots.

"They come precious slowly," said Dick at last. "I thought that there would have been quite a crowd of birds, like you see them sometimes. Look at the old bald-heads, Tom." He pointed to a party of about half a dozen coots which came slowly out of the reeds and then sailed on again as if suspicious of all being not quite right.

It looked to me like a reproduction in small size of a scene I had witnessed the vast level green pampa with a scattered herd of two or three thousand black cattle grazing on it, on a large cattle estate where only black beasts were bred. We always thought it great fun when we found a big assembly of coots at some distance from the margin.

Her players were being shoved back for loss with heart-stilling regularity. There was no need for Clifford to kick, and all of Frank's frantic appeals to his men to hold seemed of no avail. There was somewhat of a bitter feeling when, after some tremendous line-smashing, Coots, the left half, was shoved over the line for a touchdown, and that gave the cohorts of Clifford a chance to break loose.