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He surveys the scene. Well, his officers are all right. The Second in Command has seen almost as much service as himself. Of the four company commanders, two have been commandeered while home on leave from India, and the other two have practised the art of war in company with brother Boer.

"Do you want to freeze his brain?" Mrs. Strange turned on him angrily. "You get out of my way and mind your own business. 'Freeze his brain!" With a sniff of indignation she pushed past the interloper. But Blaze was waiting for her when she returned a few moments later with bowls and bottles and various remedies which she had commandeered.

Bowers photographing and Wilson sketching. Sights at lunch gave us 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from the Pole, so we call it the Pole Camp. This we commandeered as a yard for a floorcloth sail. I imagine it was intended to mark the exact spot of the Pole as near as the Norwegians could fix it. Wilson keeps the note.

It was the afternoon of the following day, just twenty-four hours after Dawson had commandeered the resources of Chatham, and the scene was a public hall in a big industrial city. In the body of the room sat two hundred and thirty-four men shop stewards and district trade union officials and their faces were gloomy and anxious.

Three districts of the Free State were promptly commandeered, and burghers swarmed to the border. About the same time President Reitz vacated his office, and President Steyn is now at the head of affairs. President Steyn has now conclusively shown his sympathy with the Transvaal, and his occasional interviews with Oom Paul were presumably for the purpose of ratifying the compact from time to time.

It was really the hen-chaffinch who found the bread, and he who commandeered it from her. Now he disclosed one fact, and that was that bread would do for his children as well as worms. Anyhow, he stuffed his beak about half up with bread, returned for the pieces of worm, collected these, and retired up into the black cover of a fir-tree.

They was like amateurs blazin' away at canvasback." "Which Chill is it?" Wemple asked. "Chill II," Peter answered. "It's all that's left. Chill I a Greaser you know 'm Campos commandeered this noon. I was runnin' Chill III when they caught me at sundown. Made me come in under their guns at the East Coast outfit, and fired me out on my neck.

They turned me down each place I volunteered on account of my age. But I was crazy to do my bit, and I offered to work with the Y.M.C.A. as a stopgap. The War Office has commandeered so many of their men that they had to take me to 'carry on. I'm afraid I'm a poor apology, but I'm doing my best." The freedom from convention lent another peculiar charm to the life in France.

She was not much good at ordinary dressmaking, where fashion must be followed, but she displayed great originality in her construction of Ingred's fancy costume. There were two clean sacks in the house, and she commandeered them. She cut one into a skirt and the other into a jumper, stitched up the sides, and frayed out the bottoms to represent fringes.

The total march was seventy-six miles to Tenida, and of the 136 only 7 failed to finish which, considering the circumstances, was very creditable. No sooner were we there than orders were received to return again. This time, however, we went in cars as far as Water Dump A, and there we commandeered a convoy of camels returning with empty fanatis, and we finished our trek mounted.