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Updated: August 19, 2024

That got him goin'. Rowley drops the potatoes, and in another minute we're neck-deep in the science of makin' an ore puddin', doin' stunts with the steam, skimmin' dividends off the pot, and coinin' the slag into dollars. I ain't lettin' him slip over any gen'ral propositions on me, either. I'm right there with the Missouri stuff.

I'm coinin' money, and I'm having the time of my young life. Last night a miner bet me five dollars against a kiss he could knock over ten ducks in ten shots. He did it, and I paid up like a sport. It got the gang started at the game, and in the end I grabbed off thirty bucks, and only kissed twice. Pretty soft what? I guess you're horrified, Hiram?" She glanced at him with coquettish defiance.

Some iv thim is in favor iv coining money out iv baled hay an' dhried apples at a ratio iv sixteen to wan, an' some is in favor iv coinin' on'y th' apples. Thim are th' inflationists. Others want th' gover'mint to divide up the rivinues equally among all la-ads that's too sthrong to wurruk.

I must be kapin' up their sperits, the crathurs, that dunno what's before them at all at all; only thinks they're to be all gintlemin an' ladies. This, as he followed his master towards the cabins: 'Whisht here, Misther Robert, lowering his tone confidentially. You'd laugh if you heard what they think they're goin' to get. Coinin' would be nothin' to it.

And if a man have a spent his whole lifetime in a pickin, and a cullin, and a coinin, and a furbishin up fine words, to tickle the ears of fine folks, why a ought in all conscience to get the wherewithalls for his pains. For if an a gentleman will eat pine apples a must not expect to pay for pippins. Always as aforesaid a savin and exceptin your onnurable onnur.

"Talk about makin' money!" gasped the waiter, as he flew downstairs, "this is coinin'. But, by gum, they are in a hurry." Brett unlocked his bag and took from it the book of newspaper cuttings. "Ah!" he said, after a rapid glance at his concluding notes. "I thought so. Here is what I wrote when the affair was fresh in my mind:

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