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Yes, she had become his mother in the interval. For herself she experienced both pity and anger. What angered her was her clumsiness. Why had she lost her temper and her head? She saw clearly how she might have brought him round to her view with a soft phrase, a peculiar inflection, a tiny appeal, a caress, a mere dimpling of the cheek.

After a time little things begin to appear through the violent discords: little scraps of melody a shy tenderness in her smile that peeps out at you and vanishes, a something that is winning, looking out of her eyes. You find a waviness of her hair that you never saw at the beginning, a certain surprising, pleasing, enduring want of clumsiness in part of her ear. And it is yours.

The clumsiness of the music is due to several causes. He modelled it, he says, upon three composers, Beethoven, Spontini and Marschner the second and third being by far the more potent influences. Now, gracefulness is not a characteristic of either of them.

Had she stopped there she might have escaped unpunished; but there were two hungry little beaks agape in the nest, and she saw a pretty lamb with a little red flag on its back. If Walpurga could only have it! And with the clumsiness due to her inexperience in such matters she seized that, too, and put it with the other.

The policeman, who was aggressively pacing up and down his beat, glanced at him in secret every time he passed him, as much as to say, "Shan't we ever manage to catch the rogue? Why doesn't he make a slip?" And one day the thing happened quite of itself, and not on account of any clumsiness on his part in the "Ark" they laid particular stress upon that.

He nodded, with the clumsiness of his emotions. "Look here " "Now, don't be tiresome. Oh, you can tell me what you were going to say." "All these weeks " "I know, but it was for your sake, George." "How?" "It's difficult to explain, but one night my good angel bent over my bed, like a mother or was it your good angel?" He grinned. "I don't believe you'd know one if you saw one."

Up came one of the guard, and rated me soundly for my clumsiness, employing a succession of abusive terms which I stored in my memory for use in case of need. I picked myself up slowly, rubbing my back, and, putting on the most innocent air in the world, I pointed to the frayed rope and asked whether my corrector could expect such a thing as that to last for ever.

And mind you be very angry when you can't get the ring off; you may use any language you like about your clumsiness poor little chap, he has heard plenty of that in his time."

You can see them yourself in the morning. As regards the wife of Seleukus " "Well," exclaimed Caesar, and his eye brightened again. "She fell a victim to the clumsiness of the praetorians."

There was a sort of clumsiness in the shape of every outline, and a coarseness in the colouring, that made her like a bad drawing of one of his own girls; the eyes were larger, the red of the cheeks was redder, the lips were thicker, the teeth were irregular; the figure, instead of being what the French call elance, was short, high-shouldered, and thick-set, and the head looked too large.