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At this, since her début, at fourteen, three Christmases before, Lily had held undisputed sway, and all former belles amiably accepted their places as lesser lights. But there had been some quarrelling and even a fight or two on Lily's account, indirectly, and the church people had declared against the ball, on the score of domestic peace on the place.

"You know there is an odd little couplet that used to please me when I was paying up. It goes like this: Two men looked out of the prison bars, The one saw mud, the other, the stars. "There were a lot of us who saw stars, for all the belief to the contrary; and even the mud-seers had their moments of star-vision behind the prison bars. "Birthdays and Christmases played the deuce with them."

"Last year it was a paint-box, bicycle, foils, and you said I could use Dick's foils and that you couldn't afford bicycles after the new carpet, so it got down to a paint-box and that wasn't much of a Christmas." "That's the comfort in regularly having Christmases; in time you get what you want," answered his mother. "That isn't always so.

It is true that there had been no guests to speak of on previous Christmases since Sir Tom's marriage; but the house had been more cheerful, and Lucy had been ready to drive, or walk, or call, or go out to the festivities around. But now she was absorbed by the nursing, and never liked to be an hour out of call. The Dowager put up with it as long as she was able.

Her work was of the least skilled kind cutting off the ends of threads from men's suspenders, and folding and placing them in boxes. She earned at first $3 a week, and had been advanced to $5 by a 50-cent rise at every one of the last four Christmases since she had left her mother and father.

Christmas at sea three Christmases, in fact one going saloon from Sydney to Westralia early in the Golden Nineties with funds; and one, the Christmas after next, coming back steerage with nothing but the clothes we'd slept in. All of which was bad judgment on our part the order and manner of our going and coming should have been reversed.

and where, as well, drifted over the olfactory intelligence a certain subtle, warm-breathed aroma, that genially combated the chill and darkness of the day without, and, resurrecting long-dead Christmases, brimmed the grateful memory with all comfortable cheer.

"She has addressed little notes to me from time to time; on birthdays, and Christmases, and so on; but to tell you the truth, my dear, I have not encouraged their continuance. They were unduly familiar, and I object to being addressed by abbreviations of my name. Ideas as to what is right and fitting seem to differ on different sides of the Atlantic!" "They do, indeed.

There was not so great a difference after all, Teeny-bits said to himself, between this Christmas and other Christmases; though the surroundings were different, the same genial, kindly spirit brooded over this luxurious home in Dellsport as always brooded at Christmas time over the humble home in Hamilton.

Something had reminded her of old Christmases, and she had told Bert of running in to her mother's room, early in the chilly morning, to shout "Christmas Gift!" Dorothy had wanted Cousin Albert to come to her for Thanksgiving. No, a thousand thanks but Miss Barrett was so much alone now. He must be near her.