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The bath-tub is chock-full of impedimenta of a much solider quality than water, but it is to be cleared out pretty soon, and every morning the Commander is going to have his cold-plunge, if there is enough hot water. There is a general rule that every member of the expedition, including the sailors, must take a bath at least once a week, and it is wonderful how contagious bathing is.

Nonsense!" and then he too uttered a cry of astonishment as a second man an old whaler darted in front of him, and, pinching off a piece of the "find," smelt it. "Hamble-grist it is, sir," he cried, "and the cask is chock-full of it." "Turn it out on the floor," said Lester, who knew the enormous value of ambergris, "and let us get a good look at it. Light all the lamps, Lucy."

Captain Lockett rowed to the polacre, and examined his prize; and then, taking Bob in his boat, rowed to the barque. "Well, Joe, have you made out what you have got on board?" the captain said, when he reached the deck. "No, sir. Neither of the officers can speak a word of English. I have opened the hatches, and she is chock-full of hides; but what there is, underneath, I don't know."

"I've been to two or three altogether, while the money I've spent on doctors is more than I like to think of, and they're all surprised to think that I've lived so long. I'm so chock-full o' complaints, that they tell me I can't live more than two years, and I might go off at any moment."

He might have had reasons for not doing so." "Ah, that's right, sir; argufy. You young scholarly chaps who have been to big schools and got your heads chock-full of Latin and Greek, you are beggars to argufy chopping logic, I suppose you calls it and I give in. You could easily beat me at that; just as easily as I could turn you round my little finger at navigation.

Reading such a work, you imagine that the besotted author said to himself, "I will just naturally fill this thing chock-full of facts" and then went and did so to the extent of a prolonged debauch. Now personally I would be the last one in the world to decry facts as such. In the abstract I have the highest opinion of them.

The old fellow answered quite gently and meekly to each of my assertions, and sought for words as if he feared to offend and perhaps make me furious. "Hell and fire, man! Do you imagine that I am sitting here stuffing you chock-full of lies?" I roared furiously. "Perhaps you don't even believe that a man of the name of Happolati exists!

We're both Trents and chock-full of old Adam. I've never had any use for girls, and you have no use for old clams of uncles who keep their heads in their shells when they ought to be coming up to the scratch; but, after all, what's the good of hating one another?" "It's no good," responded Sylvia quickly. "Well, then, supposing you let me in on the rose-colored cloud proposition, too."

There is a comfortable inn called 'The Green Hart, and there's another called 'The Full Basket, but I fear you'd not get a room there as it's very small and always chock-full at this time of year with fishing people.

As I said afore, Bob Evans was chock-full of gratefulness, and it seemed only fair that he shouldn't grumble at spending a little over the man wot 'ad risked 'is life to save his; but wot with keeping George at his room, and paying for 'im every time they went out, he was spending a lot more money than 'e could afford.