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The chasseur

Fortunately this indiscretion went no further than the Chasseur Battalion of the Canaries and the militiamen on our right. 'When this battalion was not wanted in its former position it was ordered to the square behind the Citadel. When the battalion was formed up and no enemy appeared, the Adjutant-Major enquired about them in a loud voice.

He knew well that the errand would be done, or the Chasseur would be dead. It was just nightfall; the after-glow had faded only a few moments before.

The transition to silence was so extraordinary and abrupt, that she called to her chasseur to know the meaning of it. Feckelwitz fetched the paper and handed it up. It exhibited a cross done in blood under the word 'Meran, and bearing that day's date. One glance at it told Laura what it meant.

As they neared the spur, the dogs swerved, as if attracted by something, and the half-breed struck the nearest dog and drove them on. "That was curious," said Private Walthew. "It was old Chasseur who led them off, and he's not given to playing tricks." "A dead mink or beaver in the snow," the sergeant suggested. "I didn't notice anything, but they have a keen scent. Anyhow, let's get into camp."

Ben Arsli opened his eyes the Chasseur slept on; the newcomer was one of those great ladies who now and then winter in Algeria. Her carriage waited without; she was alone, making purchase of those innumerable splendid trifles with which Algiers is rife, while she drove through the town in the cooler hour before the sun sank into the western sea.

"Well, then, au revoir," said he, shaking Prosper by the hand; "perhaps they will find something for you to do down yonder, after all." But the chasseur appeared disgusted with the task assigned him. He sadly stroked Poulet's neck and answered: "Ah, what's the use talking! they kill our horses and let us rot in idleness. It is sickening."

"The Conciergerie has not such tremendous walls for nothing. How did this lady get in?" "With a regular permit, monsieur," replied the governor. "The lady, beautifully dressed, in a fine carriage with a footman and a chasseur, came to see her confessor before going to the funeral of the poor young man whose body you had had removed." "Bring me the order for admission," said Monsieur de Granville.

"You have his face!" she muttered. "What are you to him?" He made no answer; he was too amazed. "You are of his race," she persisted. "You are brethren by your look. What are you to him?" "To whom?" "To the man who calls himself Louis Victor! A Chasseur of my army!" Her eyes were fastened entirely on him; keen, ruthless, fierce, in this moment as a hawk's.

"You are a dragoon, I think?" said I, endeavoring to change the topic. "I was, two days ago, chasseur