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Updated: August 16, 2024

I sought it at its last position, before the brigade had crossed over, but it was not there; then passing through the woods, where, in the morning, we had first formed line, we approached the blacksmith's shop, but there found a detachment of the secession cavalry and thence made a circuit, avoiding Cub Run Bridge, into Centreville, where I found General McDowell, and from him understood that it was his purpose to rally the forces, and make a stand at Centreville.

The next number of the Centreville "Gazette" contained the following notice from the pen of Mr. Anderson: "For the first time since our connection with the 'Gazette, we purpose taking a brief respite from our duties. The state of our health renders a vacation desirable, and an opportune invitation from a brother at the West has been accepted. Our absence may extend to two or three months.

Corcoran was captured, and held a prisoner for some time; but I got safe to Centreville. I saw General McDowell in Centreville, and understood that several of his divisions had not been engaged at all, that he would reorganize them at Centreville, and there await the enemy.

"Harry has juggled the money out of me, you know he used to be in the business, and you can make your bargain as soon as you like." It is hardly necessary to say that Prof. Henderson got an excellent notice in the next number of the Centreville "Gazette;" and it is my opinion that he deserved it.

It does not seem to have occurred to these officers that soldiers in the near vicinity of the enemy, wherever they may be placed, must always be subject to privations, and that at any other point of the Confederate frontier at Winchester with Jackson, at Leesburg with Hill, or at Centreville with Johnston their troops would be exposed to the same risks and the same discomforts as at Romney.

Though I have necessarily omitted many interesting details, to be found in "Bound to Rise," I have given the reader all the information required to enable him to understand the narrative of Harry's subsequent fortunes. Jotham Anderson, editor and publisher of the "Centreville Gazette," was sitting at his desk penning an editorial paragraph, when the office door opened, and Harry Walton entered.

We the cavalry went on to see what we could see around Centreville; but the rebels had burned it, so we came back here where we don't belong a thousand useless men armed with a thousand useless weapons. Because, dear, our lances are foolish things, picturesque but utterly unsuited to warfare in such a country as this.

The army in its old position A trip to Dixie The wounded at the hospitals Introduction of army badges Adornments of the camps The "Third crossing" The Barnard mansion Exchanging papers A broken lieutenant The Pennsylvania campaign commenced Restriction of baggage A severe march An army bathing At Centreville Bristow Station March to Maryland General Hooker succeeded by General Meade Position of the army.

Also McClellan said that the Southern army had thrown up intrenchments at Manassas and Centreville, and therefore the "problem was to attack victorious and finely drilled troops in intrenchment." But the most discouraging and inexplicable assertion, which he emphatically reiterated, concerned the relative numerical strength.

He sat with his feet dangling over the tailboard. The farther he got from Fairview the less he thought of the manifold troubles and complications he was leaving behind him there. Andy did not intend to run away from home. He had business in view which demanded his presence in Fairview the next day. He was, however, resolved to go to Centreville.

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