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Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. ii. Vol. xix. p. 71. Ed. 1815. Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. ii. p. 532. Wooll's Memoirs of Dr. Joseph Warton. Plato de Republica, 1. v. 476. John Armstrong, the son of a Scotch minister, was born in the parish of Castleton, in Roxburghshire.

And certainly Lady Castleton was more incontestably beautiful than Fanny Trevanion had been. All this I acknowledged, not with a sigh and a pang, but with a pure feeling of pride and delight.

You never saw anything so masterly; he pitted himself against his highness with the cool confidence, not of a blind spouse, but a fortunate rival. He surpassed him in the delicacy of his attentions, he outshone him by his careless magnificence. Leibenfels had the impertinence to send Lady Castleton a bouquet of some rare flowers just in fashion.

In the incident just recorded, the doctor probably had not, as a matter of fact, been stating his real opinions, though for the moment he may have imagined that he was an uncompromising "Paper-money man" or "Greenbacker," as a member of one of the minor political parties of the day was termed: the little man was poor, and Doctor Castleton had simply been drawing for him a picture of delights at least, so I conjectured.

Now, if you'll elect who's to be caddies an' umpire I'll be powerful obliged." Madeline's friends were hugely amused over the prospective match; but, except for Dorothy and Castleton, they disclaimed any ambition for active participation. Accordingly, Madeline appointed Castleton to judge the play, Dorothy to act as caddie for Ed Linton, and she herself to be caddie for Ambrose.

Of a man less elevated in rank one would certainly have said, "Cleverish, but a prig;" but there really was something so respectable in a personage born to such fortunes, and having nothing to do but to bask in the sunshine, voluntarily taking such pains with himself and condescending to identify his own interests the interests of the Castleton property with the concerns of his lesser fellow-mortals that one felt the young marquis had in him the stuff to become a very considerable man.

But I suspect the captain is chiefly to blame, and if you will enter into a compact with me we will sacrifice him." "I am ready to be the victim should Miss Castleton consider any excuse necessary," said Captain Headland, as he handed Julia out of the boat, while the old general stood on the top of the steps. They walked together to the house, the latter talking in the same style as before.

Indeed, the change was so great that I exclaimed dubiously, "Is that Sir Sedley Beaudesert?" The footman looked at me, and touching his hat, said, with a condescending smile, "Yes, sir, now the Marquis of Castleton."

I know her better than you can, have known her from a child; know all her virtues, they are charming; all her faults, they expose her to danger. These parents of hers, with their genius and ambition, may do very well to rule England and influence the world; but to guide the fate of that child no!" Lord Castleton stopped, for he was affected.

"It isn't the swell girls that count for numbers, anyway," reflected the Higgins' supporters, wisely, and they turned to the cultivation of the dig girl who trails up the cinder paths mornings at eight, and who lives in the library during football practice. But the girl cousin of Boggs had been there to good purpose when they turned in that direction, and Roble only showed Castleton still ahead.