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Updated: August 28, 2024

There is a consciousness among all who speak of him that he amasses his money not by honest trade, but by unknown tricks as does a card-sharper. He is one whom we would not admit into our kitchens, much less to our tables, on the score of his own merits. But because he has learned the art of making money, we not only put up with him, but settle upon his carcase as so many birds of prey.

'Wai-ter, hey, a pipe! a tall gentleman, with regular features and a most majestic manner in fact, with all the external symptoms of a card-sharper muttered into his cravat. A waiter ran for a pipe, and when he came back, announced to his excellency that the groom Baklaga was asking for him. 'Ah! tell him to wait a minute and take him some vodka. 'Yes, sir.

He was settling down for his harvest, and a rich one it would have been. But I soon changed all that. "'Gentlemen, said I, 'are you aware whom you are playing with? "'What's that to you? You mind your own business! said he, with an oath. "'Who is it, anyway? asked one of the dudes. "'He's Sparrow MacCoy, the most notorious card-sharper in the States.

During that twenty years whenever, to further his ends in a primary or in an election, Charley Hedrick needed the votes of the rough element that gathered about our little town, Abner Handy, card-sharper and jack-leg lawyer, would go forth into the byways and alleys and gather them in.

"'T is in keeping that he should be a dancing master or a card-sharper," asserted Mr. Meredith. "No wonder 't is a disordered land when 't is used as a catchall for every man not wanted in England. We'll soon put a finish to his night-walking." "I don't think he's a villain, dadda, and he certainly meant kindly in warning us." "To make favour by tale-bearing, no doubt."

This was called "The Hill," where jovial rascaldom, usually swarmed, looking out for stray overcoats and the lids of luncheon dishes left unprotected on carriages. Yes, the pickpocket, the card-sharper, the "lumberer," the confidence man, the blarneying beggar, and the fakir of every description laid his snares on this holy spot.

Yes, I was born to drink the cup of life as few have drunk it; I shall drink it even like a Roman emperor ... But they drank it to madness and crime! Yet even so; I shall drink of life even to crime. "The peasant and the card-sharper shall go high, this impetus shall carry me very high; and Frank Escott, that mean cad, shall go to the gutter; but he is already there, and I am here!

"Then you were a political prisoner only?" Felix said, politely. M. Jules Peyron drew himself up with much dignity in his tattered costume. "Do I look like a card-sharper, monsieur?" he asked simply, with offended honor. Felix hastened to reassure him of his perfect confidence.

"For one thing, because he is what he is " "Lady Cleone's brother." "Half-brother, sir, and none the less a knave." "How ?" "I mean that he is a card-sharper, a common cheat." "Her brother ?" "Half-brother!" "A cheat! Are you sure?" "Certain! I had the misfortune to make the discovery.

"No, friend, I simply can't get any more down," answered the card-sharper in his insolent voice, raising his open hand to his throat. Then, in a voice that seemed to come from a broken organ, he shouted: "Paloma!" "Who's calling that woman?" demanded Valencia immediately, glaring at the group of gamblers. "I," answered El Pastiri. "I want Paloma over here." "Ah!... You?

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