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Updated: August 13, 2024

Se sienten renacer el ánimo y la esperanza, las muchedumbres se avienen con el nuevo estado de cosas y los más recalcitrantes se lastimarían si se les propusiera que se volviese el antiguo estado. Así ha ocurrido en nuestro país. Así se ha hecho siempre el progreso y así marchará siempre par nuevos caminos. Es preciso que tomemos la resolución de vencer nuestros temores y escrúpulos.

Immediately after the rainy season this affords a firm, good road for a time, but eventually it becomes ploughed into impassable ruts by the wheels of the carts, unless trampled hard by the feet of passing flocks. Government undertakes the cost and the super-intendence of the caminos reales, and does it well.

Other times they had gone to Cuatro Caminos or Ventas del Espiritu Santo. And once there, what laughter and what joy! What strange emotions of half fear, half curiosity they had felt at sensing the desire of whatever man had asked them to dance! Rafaela straightened up, quick, pliant, transfigured. "You aren't any more willing to ask me, than I am to go!" said she.

Vidal came to be the cadet for four girls who lived together in Cuatro Caminos and were named, respectively, La Mella, La Goya, La Rabanitos and Engracia; they had come to form, together with Vidal, El Bizco and Manuel another Society, though this one was anonymous.

Spain has not yet been able to get canals; her highroads, worthy of the name, are few and far between, leading only from the capital to coast or frontier, whilst cross roads and communications between towns are for the most part mere caminos de herradura, horse-shoe or bridle roads of a wretched description.

For, was she not of the Iglesias, who landed with Pizarro? And had not her deceased husband been comisionado de caminos y puentes for the district? In the evenings Pasa sat by the window in the room next to the one where they drank, and strummed dreamily upon her guitar.

In contrast to Portugal, the caminos reales, or high-roads, of Spain have long been very good.

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