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The gypsum, with its associated marls before described, is in greatest force towards the centre of the basin, where the calcaire grossier and calcaire silicieux are less fully developed. In some parts of the Paris basin, sands and marls, called the Gres de Beauchamp, or Sables moyens, divide the gypseous beds from the calcaire grossier proper.

They fill a larger space in the Paris Basin between the Seine and the Loire, and constitute also part of the northern limits of the area of the Netherlands which are shaded in the map. A.1: Bembridge series, Isle of Wight: Gypseous series of Montmartre. A.2: Osborne or St. Helen's series, Isle of Wight: Calcaire siliceux, or Travertin Inferieur.

«§ 1095. Cette suite de montagnes calcaire que nous avons côtoyée depuis St Maurice jusques

We must turn away to the immeasurably earlier fire-split flints which the Abbé Bourgeois undaunted mortal! ventured to discover among the Miocene strata of the calcaire de Beauce. Those flints, if of human origin at all, were fashioned by some naked and still more hairy creature who might fairly claim to be considered as genuinely primitive.

Base de schiste ou d'ardoise feuilletée bleuâtre, traversé, de larges filons de quartz. On ne voit, on ne peut estimer son épaisseur dont partie est enterrée. Immédiatement dessus pose la pierre calcaire, elle est d'une grain fin, serré, couleur grise-jaunâtre, ainsi que toute le reste. Des filons de différentes épaisseurs, d'un spath calcaire jaunâtre.

But It is chiefly in order to examine the means which, according to the theory of this treatise, are employed in petrifying bodies, that I consider it in this place. The first section of this treatise has for title, Génération du Caillou et du Quartz de la terre calcaire pure.

Here we find an example worthy of being recorded, as contributing to throw great light upon those mineral operations; however, the opinion of our author and mine, upon this subject, differ widely. He proceeds thus: "Cette pierre n'est, comme chacun le sçait, qu'une pierre calcaire contenant du bitume.

Numerous inscriptions from the tombs are collected in the museum of Syracuse. The catacombs of Paris are not of ancient date as catacombs. They were originally, like those of Syracuse, quarries for the construction of the calcaire grossier for building the city, down to the seventeenth century.

The lower part of the calcaire grossier, which often contains much green earth, is characterised at Auvers, near Pontoise, to the north of Paris, and still more in the environs of Compiegne, by the abundance of nummulites, consisting chiefly of N. laevigata, N. scabra, and N. Lamarcki, which constitute a large proportion of some of the stony strata, though these same foraminifera are wanting in beds of similar age in the immediate environs of Paris.

De la pierre calcaire dans laquelle sont déposés des espèces de noyaux oblongs, quelques fois par couches, mais sans suite, composés d'un sable fin de couleurs grisâtre, plus blanc que la pierre calcaire, très-durs, faisant feu au briquet, et sans effervescence avec les acides. On retrouve encore des couches minces sablonneuses mêlées de parties calcaires.