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And King Fariz and the Moors of Techa, and of Ternel, and of Calatayud, were right glad of this, and the covenant was put in writing, and they sent him the three thousand marks. And my Cid divided it among his company, and he made them all rich, both knights and esquires and footmen, so that they said to one another, He who serves a good Lord, happy man is his dole.

And they sent to the King of Valencia to tell him that one who was called Ruydiez the Cid, whom King Don Alfonso had banished, was come into their country, and had taken Alcocer; and if a stop were not put to him, the King might look upon Teca and Teruel and Calatayud as lost, for nothing could stand against him, and he had plundered the whole country, along the Salon on the one side, and the Siloca on the other.

Its Moorish name means the "Castle of Ayûb" or Job the nephew of Mûsa, who used the ancient Bilbilis as a quarry whence to obtain stones for its construction. The Dominican convent of Calatayud has a glorious patio with three galleries rising one above another, and a portion of the exterior is enriched with pseudo-Moorish work like the prisons at Guadalajara.

In this manner did my Cid win Alcocer, and take up his abode therein. V. Much did this trouble the Moors of Teca, and it did not please those of Teruel, nor of Calatayud.

King Fariz got into Teruel, and King Galve fled after him, but they would not receive him within the gates, and he went on to Calatayud. And the Christians pursued them even to Calatayud. And Alvar Fanez had a good horse; four and thirty did he slay in that pursuit with the edge of his keen sword, and his arm was all red, and the blood dropt from his elbow.

The custom-house was filled with solid ingots, and with vases of different forms, imitations of animals, flowers, fountains, and other objects, executed with more or less skill, and all of pure gold, to the astonishment of the spectators, who flocked from the neighboring country to gaze on these marvellous productions of Indian art.23 Most of the manufactured articles were the property of the Crown; and Hernando Pizarro, after a short stay at Seville, selected some of the most gorgeous specimens, and crossed the country to Calatayud, where the emperor was holding the cortes of Aragon.

So the Campeador raised his banner and departed, and he went down the Salon, and crossed it; and as he crossed the river they saw good birds, and signs of good fortune. And they of Za and of Calatayud were well pleased, because he went from them. My Cid rode on till he came to the knoll above Monte-Real; it is a high hill and strong, and there he pitched his tents, being safe on all sides.

Castaños and Palafox separated in the moment of overthrow; the former escaping to Calatayud with the wreck of his troops, while the latter made his way once more to Zaragossa.

Before leaving this town it will be worth while to visit San Miguel, once a mosque, with its colonnaded entrance, horse-shoe arches, machiolations, and herring-bone patterns under the roof. Calatayud, the second town of Aragon, is of Moorish origin.

And the Moors offered tribute to him if he would leave them in peace; but this he would not do, and he lay before the town. And news went through all the land that the Cid was come among them, and they of Calatayud were in fear.