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Rencounters of not more than a minute's duration, frequently repeated, will build up mutual interest, even an intimacy, in a lonely place. Theirs grew as imperceptibly as the tree-twigs budded. There never was a particular moment at which it could be said they became friends; yet a delicate understanding now existed between two who in the winter had been strangers.

The discontent continued, and Moses went on to meet it by the miracle of Aaron's rod. Moses took a rod from each tribe, twelve rods in all and on Aaron's rod he wrote the name of Levi, and Moses laid them out in the tabernacle. And the next day Moses examined the rods and showed the congregation how Aaron's rod had budded.

You will become a man, you will make the tour of the world, you will see immense cities and wonderful monuments, and you will remember many among them; but that modest white edifice, with those closed shutters and that little garden, where the first flower of your intelligence budded, you will perceive until the last day of your life, as I shall always behold the house in which I heard your voice for the first time.

But, a little after, I knew that the voice spake to my master, for it said: "Let us go forth into the field, O beloved: let us lodge in the villages: let us get up betimes to the vineyard and see if the vine have budded, if its blossom be open, the pomegranates in flower. Even there will I give thee my love." Then looking again I saw that the two had gone from me and left me alone.

But the convolvulus has budded and bloomed and closed again while you thought her still, and she dies the rayed and rosy cup so full of airy sweetness she dies in a day. Hazel got up from her chair by the fire and went restlessly, with a rustle as of innumerable autumn leaves, to the hall door.

In that world to which their faces were set no haunting, hurrying footsteps ever fell; no soul was yet vexed by fierce fire, no dross of budded hope was yet laid low. All was rest and peace. The gaoler knocked. A visitor was here to see Ralph. He had secured the permission of the under sheriff to see him for half an hour alone. Sim rose, and prepared to follow the gaoler.

Again their fresh young voices, gay with the musical hilarity of happiness, carolled the Mayer's song: "We have been rambling all this night, And almost all this day; And now returning back again, We bring you in the May! A branch of May we have brought you, And at your door it stands, 'Tis but a sprout, But 'tis budded out, By the work of our Lord's hands.

We shall not want to change it when this war is over. It is the symbol of an idea which has never yet found its full utterance. When Liberty and Union become one and indivisible, it will be the harmonious exponent of those grand ideas rooted, budded, blossomed, and bearing fruit forevermore.

But behind the second vail was the tabernacle, called the holy of holies: having the golden censer, and the coffer of the covenant, overlaid with gold within and without, in which were the golden urn containing the manna, and Aaron's rod which had budded, and the stone tables of the covenant; and above, over it the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the propitiatory.

And the child gazed up in the young girl's face with a rapt expression. Nothing can express the admiration, which is almost as unquestionable as worship, of a very little girl for a big one. Amabel loved her mother with a rather unusual intensity for a child, but Ellen was what she herself would be when she was grown up. Through Ellen her love of self and her ambition budded into blossom.