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About the same time Nova Scotia launched nearly three hundred vessels and New Brunswick half as many. The Nova Scotians, however, only averaged two hundred tons, and the New Brunswickers four hundred. If the Lakes, Prince Edward Island, the rest of Canada, and Newfoundland are added in, the total tonnage built in the best single year is found to be close on a quarter of a million.

The Brunswickers are in high glee, and have sent for their valiant champion, Falmouth. In our House they made a poor show. Prince Leopold is not by any means disposed to take Greece without Candia, and it was thought, from Lord Lansdowne's speech, he and others had advised him to take this line. Aberdeen is very much embarrassed to find a substitute. February 6.

With threatening shouts they advanced to the charge; and before that moving wall the foe fell back in confusion beyond the rivulet. Still, the French drove back the Dutch in the wood, and the Brunswickers on its eastern fringe, killing the brave young Duke of Brunswick as he attempted to rally his raw recruits.

Riding to the Brunswickers posted in reserve, he led them to the post of danger; Kennedy rallied the wrecks of Alten's division and brought up Germans from the left wing; the cavalry of Vandeleur and Vivian, moving in from the extreme left, also helped to steady the centre; and the approach of Chassé's Dutch-Belgian brigade, lately called in from Braine-la-Leud, strengthened our supports.

And on the left a detachment of allied troops Dutch, Belgian, Brunswickers had just started down the slope of the plateau to join in this death-dealing pell-mell, where amongst the litter of dead and dying, in the confusion of pursuer and pursued, comrade fought at times against comrade, brother fired on brother Prussian against British.

"I know that none of our own people were in British regiments, Crystal," he retorted somewhat drily, "whereas the Brunswickers and Nassauers were as much French as German .

Dudley, Lord Malmesbury, Lord Gower, voted with us. The Whigs, Brunswickers, and Canningites were in the minority. The Duke of Cumberland was there. I find we have some recruits in proxies Lord Lauderdale, Duke of Bedford, Downshire, Lord Wilton; and Lord Jersey sits behind us. He has now Lord Lauderdale's proxy. All this is consequent upon Lord Rosslyn's accession. Lord Grey has now no one left.

Bobby could see amongst them the Brunswickers and their black coats he would have known them amongst millions of men. The full brilliance of the evening glow was upon them on their black coats and the silver galoons and tassels; two of their officers had made a brave show in Brussels three days or was it a hundred years? ago at the Duchess of Richmond's ball.

The Twenty-eighth and the Royals did not indeed wait to be attacked, but led by Picton and Kempt in person resolutely advanced to charge the French cavalry. This feat, seldom exampled in military history, was rendered necessary in order to cover the flank of the Forty-second and Forty-fourth, now, by the flight of the Brunswickers, Dutch, and Belgians, open to the attacks of the French cavalry.

They advance behind the cavalry! and after every volley from the British guns they shout loudly: "Vive l'Empereur!" And anon the tidal wave despite the ebb, despite the constant breaking of its surf has by sheer force of weight hurled itself upon the crest of the plateau. The Brunswickers on the left are scattered.