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"I never had such a battle in my life!" he said to that scheming young creature. "They didn't give in till they'd fired off every shot in their locker. Trafalgar and the Nile were nothin' to it." "But do you really mean to say," asked Ruth, who could hardly speak at first for laughing, "that you intend to buy all these theological books and set the sisters to work?" "To be sure I do.

But he preferred to know something more of his own country while he had the leisure; and if his life was to be passed in public service, as now seemed probable to him, he chose, at least for the present, to serve his country at home, where he thought he was more needed, rather than abroad. In his orders for books sent to Jefferson the direction of his studies is evident.

What credit to your yeomen that they have read more books than our clods have, while they can earn more in four hours than our poor fellows in twelve?

Your best way will be, when you go away from thence, to send to England, by Hamburg, all the books that you do not absolutely want. Yours. BATH, March 1, O. S. 1748. DEAR BOY: By Mr. Harte's letter to Mr.

When he was, he left it unlocked, all save one room; and people came and went through the house as they pleased, eyeing with curiosity the dusty, tattered books upon the shelves, the empty bottles in the corner, the patchwork of cheap prints, notices of sales, summonses, accounts, certificates of baptism, memoranda, receipted bills though they were few tacked or stuck to the wall.

I sold books to men on twine binders, to women with their hands in the bread dough, and once, after a farmer had come grudgingly out to rescue me from his dog, I sold a book to him from a tree.

Charteris is equally expert in depicting the derring-do and tenderness of those glorious days of chivalry, of fair women and brave men, of gentle breeding, of splendid culture and wholesome living." Patricia was not a little puzzled by these books.

We learn them partly because they are interesting, and because they please or amuse us, and partly because they appear so often in our books that it is necessary to know them if we would understand our own books and language. Who has not heard of Hercules and his Labors, of the Search for the Golden Fleece, the Siege of Troy, or the Wanderings of Ulysses?

It led also to the composition of other books on the West, which were more or less mere pieces of book-making for the market. Our author was far from idle. Indeed, he could not afford to be.

"Yes," said I; and then, impelled by the strange appearance of surprise on the man's countenance, I added, "don't I look like an author?" He laughed, and candidly admitted that I was not the kind of looking man he had expected to find from reading my books, and then he entered the house in response to my invitation that he do so.