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Updated: August 22, 2024

If poor Beck didn't let go then in airnest, and sing out, for dear life, its a pity, for she had gone head first into the swill tub, and the tea kettle had scalded her feet. She kept a dancin right up and down, like one ravin distracted mad, and boohooed like any thing, clawin away at her head the whole time, to clear away the stuff that stuck to her wool.

Missus, says I; 'Oh Lord; Missus, you ain't a goin' to die, is you? and I fell down on my knees, and kissed her hand, and said, 'Oh, Missus; don't die, please Missus. What will become oh dis niggar if you do? If de Lord in his goodness take you away, let me go wid you, Missus; and I was so sorry I boohooed right out, and groaned and wipy eye like courtin' amost.

We went early, and got a seat. All the ministers of Zoar, and Jonesville, and Loontown, and Shackville wuz there, and of all the sermons that wuz preached wall, it wuz a sight. The tears jest run down most everybody's face, and when the mourners wuz addressed, why, big, hefty men all round me jest boohooed right out. Why, it wuz enough to melt a stun.

'Riz me, Hiram, sez she; an' when I'd got her easy, she put her old arms raound my neck, an' tried to say, 'God bless you, dear , but died a doin' of it; an' I ain't ashamed tew say I boohooed real hearty, when I laid her daown, fer she was dreadf'l good tew me, an' I don't forgit her in a hurry."

"I told him he might have a bite," meekly said David, who never could bear to have Joel blamed. "I wanted him to have it," he added cheerfully. "O dear-dear-dear," boohooed Joel. Davie dropped his cake in a worried way. "Don't, Joey," he said, leaning over to look at him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry," blubbered Joel. "O dear me!"

I am rejoiced to learn that the two factions of Texas Baptists, after having for months past denounced each other in language that smelled of sulphur and would have disgraced opposing parties of Parisian gamins after resorting to all the petty meanness of peanut politics to control the flesh-pots have kissed and hugged, slobbered and boohooed each on the other's brisket.

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