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The scene was now inexpressibly terrific; cries and groans, and the ineffable roar and yell of human passion, resounded demonlike through the shade of the leafless trees. And at this moment, the provident and rapid generalship of Edward had moved up one of his heavy bombards.

My lieutenants report to me that an alarm has spread amongst my men, a religious horror of some fearful bombards and guns which have been devised by a sorcerer in Lord Warwick's pay.

Fear not the bombards, their enchanted balls swerve from the brave! The dark legions of Air fight for us! For the hour is come when the fiend shall rend his prey!" And fiendlike seemed the form thus screeching forth its predictions from under the grim head-gear; and then darting and disappearing amidst the sea of pikes, cleaving its path of blood!

She plays with him and propounds riddles to him which he cannot solve, and he feels his blood congealing in the process, but it amuses her. During the sitting she nibbles at candies, and rolls the paper- wrappers into little pellets with which she bombards him. "I am glad you are in such good humor," said the painter, "but your face has lost the expression which I need for my picture."

"To maintain the fertile places by commerce, and the sterile by manufactures.... To show the English lords our four bombards, London, Brabant, Bourg-en-Bresse, Saint-Omer.... Artillery is the cause of war being made more judiciously now.... To Monsieur de Bressuire, our friend.... Armies cannot be maintained without tribute, etc." Once he raised his voice, "Pasque Dieu!

It bombards one with an infinite variety of new impressions and new adventures; and I could not escape the impression made by crowded houses, and ill-smelling streets, and dirty sidewalks, and swarming human beings. For a time the burden of these things rested upon my breast like a leaden weight; they all seemed so utterly wrong to me, so unnecessary; so unjust!

At midnight came a peasant to Xaintrailles, with tidings that a rescue was riding to Clermont, and next morning it was boots and saddles and away, so hastily that we left behind us the great bombards of the Burgundians. On this they made much mirth; but they laugh best who laugh last, as shall he seen.

The Abbey of Saint-German-des-Pres was castellated like a baronial mansion, and more brass expended about it in bombards than in bells. Its fortress was still to be seen in 1610. To-day, barely its church remains. * Cut-throat. Coupe-gueule being the vulgar word for cut-weazand. Let us return to Notre-Dame.

In revenge for this cruelty, the Christians made severe reprisals; as they burnt ten ships belonging to the prefect of Syria, that is the sultan; and destroyed a considerable portion of the city by means of their catapults and bombards , many houses being burnt to the ground, as they are covered with thatch like cottages, and exceedingly combustible.

My lieutenants report to me that an alarm has spread amongst my men, a religious horror of some fearful bombards and guns which have been devised by a sorcerer in Lord Warwick's pay.