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When riding, a hot wind burns the one cheek, and a cold wind blanches the other cheek . You wander through these extremes like the spirits of the nethermost regions, "And feel by turns the bitter change Of fierce extremes, extremes by change more fierce: From beds of raging fire, to starve in ice Thence hurried back to fire."

Suddenly, after some slight exertion, or often without any apparent cause, the face blanches, the eyes stare widely, the child gasps two or three times, and is dead: sudden heart failure, due to the poisoning either of the heart muscle itself, or of the nerves supplying the heart, by the toxin of the disease.

His features bore no sign of that deep emotion which stops the beating of the heart and blanches the cheek. His hands, gracefully placed, one upon his hat, the other in the opening of his white waistcoat, were not at all tremulous; his eye was calm and even brilliant.

He never returned to his English home; but the nest he built under the mantelpiece is still preserved in case he should come at last. When the sun's rays slant down upon your grate, then the fire blanches and blenches, cowers, crumbles, and collapses. It cannot compete with its archetype. It cannot suffice a sun-steeped swallow, or ripen a plum, or parch the carpet.

These the starred kings behold to these they lead the unconscious step; but the guilt blanches not their lustre, neither doth remorse wither their unwrinkled youth.

For if there is a word which blanches the soldier's cheek and tries his heart more than another, it is the name of the disease which travels in the hot noonday, and, tainting the strongest as he rides in his pride, leaves him in a few hours a poor mass of corruption.

Cronides, lord of lords, and all our sire, I clasp thy knees; grant thou what I require; A boon the lightning-eyed Tritonia asks: Speak, rend the veil thy secret thought that masks; Reveal what care thy mind within thee gnaws, Blanches thy cheek, and this deep moaning draws. Zeus.

"The shadow of the Ethiopian," said the grave apothecary. M. Grandissime's quick gesture implied that Frowenfeld had said the very word. "Ah! my-de'-seh, when I try sometimes to stand outside and look at it, I am ama-aze at the length, the blackness of that shadow!" It blanches, my-de'-seh, ow whole civilization! It drhags us a centurhy behind the rhes' of the world!

He groaned aloud while he remembered his winter in London, in the forlorn luxury of the Park Lane house. "Where have you been?" he repeated. "Oh! I went to the Soeurs Blanches you remember? where I used to be. You went there, didn't you?" he made a sign of miserable assent "but I made them promise not to tell! There was an old mistress of novices there still who used to be very fond of me.

The English were not better than the French, but they had the excuse at least of being the enemy. France saved by a happy chance her blanches mains from the actual blood of the pure and spotless Maid; but with exultation she prepared the victim for the stake, sent her thither, played with her like a cat with a mouse and condemned her to the fire.