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"Foreign education for Teuton boys and girls! That's the only final answer I can find the only true one. You see, a war will never accomplish this, nor tariffs or penalties. Such agencies do not change human nature or character or modes of existence. They antagonize, make stubborn or resentful or malevolent.

A creature of less tact and grace would only appear obtrusive and offend and antagonize the company, and probably rightfully receive reproof and be ejected from the room. And so I would wish to see you and all young people cultivate tact; study how to speak and act so as to touch gently all with whom you are associated.

The man was there; a firm man, indomitable, a thunderbolt of war, a close-mouthed, far-seeing, praying and worshipping, more or less ambitious, not always just, patriotically devoted fatalist and enthusiast, a mysterious and commanding genius of an iron sort. When he was angered it was as though the offender had managed to antagonize some natural law, or force or mass.

On the other hand, maybe it had been smart of Jandar Jard to antagonize Thalvan Dras; for every critic who bowed slavishly to the wealthy nobleman, there were at least two more who detested him unutterably, and they would rush to Jandar Jard's defense, and in the ensuing uproar, the settings would get more publicity than the drama itself.

You have been filling your head with Northern books. It is refinement, sir, real worth that weighs in the South." "I hope not to antagonize you, General, but I am of the South and I have cause to hold an opposite opinion. Have I not seen the most vulgar of men held in high favor because they were rich? The mere existence of a state line does not change human nature.

Dunlavey has done some foolish things, no doubt, and is doing a foolish thing in defying the law, but I don't anticipate that he will do anything quite so rash as to further antagonize the small owners." The puncher sat erect and laughed harshly. "You don't?" he inquired in an over-gentle, polite voice.

Johnny Jewel, you haven't got any more judgment than a cat!" This was putting it rather strongly, since Mary V had fully intended to guard her tongue, being careful not to antagonize him. That heady young man now stood glaring at her in a thoroughly antagonistic manner. Speech trembled on his lips that would not formulate the scathing rebuke surging within his mind.

The object could be attained without any violation of the principles of representation, such as would antagonize public opinion, and "when emigration shall have increased the English population of the Upper Province, the adoption of such a principle would operate to defeat the very purpose it is intended to serve.

My opinion of The Revolution may be expressed in what was said of another paper: "It fights no sham battles with enemies already defeated. It is true, good men and women not a few stumble at it, object to it and in some cases antagonize it, but nobody despises it. An affectation of contempt is not contempt." Scores of similar letters were received from the early workers in the cause.

Disinclination to antagonize Henry. Temporary triumph of F.O.J. Smith. Order gradually emerging. Expenses of the law. Triumph in Australia. Gift to Yale College. Supreme Court decision and extension of patent. Social diversions in Washington. Letters of George Wood and P.H. Watson on extension of patent. Loyalty to Mr. Kendall; also to Alfred Vail. Decides to publish "Defense."