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Whether their dreams were realized or not must be told in "A Dixie Girl Co-Ed." And down in Woodbine? Well, three hilarious young people were nearly tearing the world to tatters in their joy. In May Admiral Seldon had taken them to Washington and Annapolis, where they had, sure enough, had the time of their lives. Then, the sight-seeing fever increasing, Mrs.

The great man landed his troops at Alexandria on the Potomac river, and repaired to Annapolis in Maryland, where he ordered the governors of the different colonies to meet him in council, urging them each to call upon their respective provinces to help the common cause in this strait.

From Annapolis to Canseau the Micmacs destroyed life and property, and kept the English posts in constant fear. New England took a signal revenge at last on the cruel and treacherous Abenakis, and inflicted on them a blow from which they never recovered.

"I would miss you, and sorely, tho' you give me trouble enough." "Soon I shall not be here to trouble you, Richard. Papa has decided that we sail next week, on the Annapolis, for home." "Home!" I gasped. "England?" "I am going to make my bow to royalty," replied she, dropping a deep curtsey. "Your Majesty, this is Miss Manners, of the province of Maryland!" "But next week!"

The assembly was always loyal to the crown, and refused to consider the appeals that were made to it by circular letters, and otherwise, to give active aid and sympathy to the rebellious colonies During the war armed cruisers pillaged the small settlements at Charlottetown, Annapolis, Lunenburg, and the entrance of the St. John River.

The author must acknowledge that the only good anecdote in the book and the only verse worth printing are stolen. The story on page concerning Mr. Garrick and the Archbishop of York may be found in Fitzgerald's life of the actor, much better told. Elihu Riley's excellent "History of Annapolis." By Winston Churchill Honora Leffingwell is the original name of our heroine.

We were sailing along the gracefully moulded and tree-covered hills of the Annapolis Basin, and up the mildly picturesque river of that name, and we were about to enter what the provincials all enthusiastically call the Garden of Nova Scotia.

Sir William Alexander's dream of a new Scotland has been realised in a measure in the province where his ambition would have made him "lord paramount." Until the foundation of Halifax the government of Nova Scotia was vested solely in a governor who had command of the garrison stationed at Annapolis.

Young Alexander le Borgne was, as already stated, a leader of the Indians in the attack on Annapolis early in 1744, which attack failed on account of the energy and bravery of Mascarene. The following letter of the Lieut.-Governor to Frances Belleisle Robichaux is of interest in thin connection. Annapolis Royal, Oct. 13, 1744.

General Butler, promoted Major-General for his Military successes at Annapolis and Baltimore, was now in command of Fortress Monroe and vicinity, with some 12,000 volunteers under him, confronted, on the Peninsula, by a nearly equal number of Rebel troops, under Generals Huger and Magruder General Banks, with less than 10,000 Union troops, occupying Baltimore, and its vicinage.