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I took my Airedale over to the Ridgewood show last spring and got a third with him. I'm going to take him up to Craigswold on Labor Day, too. What kind of dog is yours?" "The dandiest dawg that ever stood on four legs," answered Link, afire with the zeal of ownership. "Why, that dawg of mine c'n " "What breed is he?" asked the postmaster, not interested in the dawning rhapsody.

And he heard her singing in the patio garden, where, also, she desisted long enough to quarrel with her Airedale and scold the collie pup unholily attracted by the red-orange, divers-finned, and many-tailed Japanese goldfish in the fountain basin. He was aware of pleasure that she was awake. It was a pleasure that never staled.

After nearly three hours of intensive study he was convinced he was beginning to know it quite well, although he realized how much there still was for him to learn how much study and practice he would need. He then woke the dog, and while still leaving that part of his mind in its brain, scanned the next cage which held a beautiful female Airedale.

He shall have a handsome present." MARGOT: "How vulgar! Having a brawl in Brick Street! How did you come to be in the East-end?" PETER: "East-end! Why, it's next to Down Street, out of Piccadilly." MARGOT: "It's very wrong to bribe the police, Peter!" PETER: "I'm not going to bribe him, governess! I'm going to give him my Airedale terrier." MARGOT: "What!

Airedale swooned; the Bishop's progress up the aisle was impeded by a number of ladies hastening for an exit. Old Mr. Dingo, the sexton, seized the bell-rope in the porch and set up a furious pealing. Cries of rage mingled with hysterical howls from the ladies. Gissing, trembling with horror, surveyed the atrocious hubbub. But it was high time to move, or his retreat would be cut off.

"I had thought of an Airedale," she said thoughtfully, "but " "They're good dogs, but quarrelsome fight all the other dogs round about. Now William isn't a fighter unless he's unbearably provoked, then, of course, he fights to kill." "Oh dear!" sighed Jan, "that's an awful prospect. Think of the trouble with one's neighbours " "But I assure you, it doesn't happen once in a blue moon.

We canvassed the list of terriers, bull, Boston, fox, Irish, Skye, Scotch, Airedale, and all, and had much to say in favor of each. One day Jane said: "Dad, what do you think of the Russian wolf-hound?" "Fine as silk," said I, not seeing the trap; "the handsomest dog that runs." "I think so, too. I saw some beauties in the Seabright kennels.

There were gray rugs and gray walls, some old mahogany, the snuff-box picture of Napoleon over his desk, a dog-basket of brown wicker in a corner. Muffin, Derry's Airedale, stood at attention as his master came in. He knew that the length of his sojourn depended on his manners. A bright fire was burning, a long chair slanted across the hearthrug.

In the face of that triumph he sensed the fact that he had run away in following Neewa, and he was possessed with the desire to go back and have it out to a finish. It was the blood of the Airedale and the Spitz growing stronger in him, fearless of defeat; the blood of his father, the giant hunting-hound Hela.

His father was a blue-blooded fighting Airedale who had broken from his kennel long enough to commit a mesalliance with a huge big footed and peace-loving Mackenzie hound and Peter was the result.