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Updated: August 28, 2024

The Athenian historian, Thucydides, was born about 471 B.C., within ten years of the great repulse of the Persian invasion. Before he was thirty, the great political ascendancy of Pericles was completely established at Athens, and the ascendancy of Athens among the Greek states was unchallenged, except by Sparta. He was forty at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War.

Works, x. 479, 573. Works, x. 452-54.; Bain's James Mill, 104. The case of the 'King v. Cobbett, , which led to the proceedings against Mr. Justice Johnson in 1805. Cobbett's State Trials, xxix. Works, x. 448-49. Ibid. x. 458. Works, x. 471, 570. Ibid. x. 471. Ibid. x. 461. Ibid. x. 471. Ibid. x. 490. Printed in Works, x. 495-97. Ibid. x. 570. Ibid. x. 476. Works, x. 485. Bain's James Mill, 136.

The most important of the coast towns were furnished with Roman colonies: Pyrgi the seaport of Caere, the colonization of which probably falls within this period; along the west coast, Antium in 415, Tarracina in 425, the island of Pontia in 441, so that, as Ardea and Circeii had previously received colonists, all the Latin seaports of consequence in the territory of the Rutuli and Volsci had now become Latin or burgess colonies; further, in the territory of the Aurunci, Minturnae and Sinuessa in 459; in that of the Lucanians, Paestum and Cosa in 481; and, on the coast of the Adriatic, Sena Gallica and Castrum Novum about 471, and Ariminum in 486; to which falls to be added the occupation of Brundisium, which took place immediately after the close of the Pyrrhic war.

Of the prisoners, five thousand one hundred, something more than one-half, being wounded, were dismissed to their homes, the other half were driven "like turkies" into England. Of these, one thousand six hundred died of a pestilential disease, and five hundred were actually sick on Oct 31. Whitelock, 471. Old Parl. to the will of the English general.

He was succeeded by Gennadius, who, during the thirteen years of his episcopate, was faithful both to the creed which St. Leo had preserved and to the dignity of the Apostolic See. He was followed by Acacius, who occupied the see from 471 to 489. There was some quality in Acacius which gained the favour of princes.

He and his father had received a million and a half, the per centage on which, at 3 per cent, was £45,471, which ought in equity to be allowed him. He would pay, moreover, £1,000 a year, in the event of his restoration to office, with a provision, by the legislature, suited to its responsibility. Now it does seem that if Mr.

In 471 came the Seven against Thebes; from which drama, I think, we get a main current of light on the whole future history of Athens. Two men, representing two forces, had guided the city during those decades.

Of the excusatory causes of this concubinage some are real and some not, n. 471. The really excusatory causes are such as are grounded in what is just, n. 472, 473. The excusatory causes which are not real are such as are not grounded in what is just, although in the appearance of what is just, n. 474.

[Footnote 471: Eyre to Loudon, 24 March, 1757. Ibid., 25 March, enclosed in Loudon's despatch of 25 April, 1757. Message of Rigaud to Major Eyre, 20 March, 1757. Letter from Fort William Henry, 26 March, 1757, in Boston Gazette, No. 106, and Boston Evening Post, No. 1,128. Abstract of Letters from Albany, in Boston News Letter, No. 2,860. Caleb Stark, Memoir and Correspondence of John Stark, 22, a curious mixture of truth and error. Relation de la Campagne sur le Lac St. Sacrement pendant l'Hiver, 1757. Bougainville, Journal. Malartic, Journal. Montcalm au Ministre, 24 Avril, 1757. Montreuil au Ministre, 23 Avril, 1757. Montcalm

When the monks of Winchester elected an Englishman as their bishop in the hope of getting rid of the queen's uncle, Alexander IV. summoned Aymer to his court and consecrated him bishop with his own hands. "Communitas bacheleriae Angliae," Burton Ann., p. 471. See on this, Engl. Hist. Review, xvii. , 89-94. Early in 1260, Montfort went back to England and made common cause with Edward.

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