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Taylor, Father, relation to Emerson, 55, 56, 413. Taylor, Jeremy: allusion, 22; Emerson's study, 52; "the Shakespeare of divines," 94; praise for, 306. Teague, Irish name, 143. Te Deum: the hymn, 68; illustration, 82. Temperance, the reform, 141, 152. Tennyson, Alfred: readers, 256; tobacco, 270; poetic rank, 281; In Memoriam, 333; on plagiarism, 384.

After that it is brought to these mills and wound over into hanks or skeins of a specified length usually from 333 to 500 yards. The foreman told me that long ago they had to employ one person to attend to every reel; but now with modern machinery a single girl can watch twenty-four spools at once.

Some laws had been enacted, during the reign of Henry VII., against depopulation, or the converting of arable lands into pasture. * See note D, at the end of the volume. Rush. vol. ii. p. 270; vol. iii. App. p. 106. * Rush. vol. iii. p. 333. Franklyn, p. 478. May, p. 16. v Strafford's Letters and Despatches, vol. ii. p. 117. v* Rush. vol. ii. p. 270.

There were, however, several who, in obedience to the instructions received from Charles, resolved to continue hostilities to the last extremity. The subjugation of Ireland was completed. Heath, 310, 312, 324, 333, 344. Here, to prevent subsequent interruption, I may be allowed to describe the state of this unhappy country, while it remained under the sway of the commonwealth.

The Gordian knot remained tied and Asia unconquered in the year 333 B.C., when Alexander of Macedon, who the year before had invaded Asia, and so far had swept all before him, entered Gordium with his victorious army. As may be surmised, it was not long before he sought the citadel to view this ancient relic, which contained within itself the promise of what he had set out to accomplish.

Should Professor Tweddle ever find himself in the Museum on a Bank Holiday, and enter the new gallery, he could hardly avoid seeing the magnificent cast numbered 333 in the catalogue, and reviving thereby recollections he has almost succeeded in suppressing.

To this the ministerial speakers replied by demanding a direct censure or a total acquittal, and the consequent division served only to display the weakness of the opposition. The Addington, Fox, and Grenville parties combined to oppose Pitt's motion, which was rejected by 333 votes against 56.

Hitherto anxious with respect to the state of things on the coast and in Greece, he had remained in the western half of Asia Minor, within call of his friends in Macedonia, at no time distant more than about 200 miles from the sea. Now intelligence reached him which made him feel at liberty to advance into the interior of Asia. Memnon the Rhodian fell sick and died in the early spring of B.C. 333.

The critique of the greatest conqueror of modern times on the military career of the great conqueror of the Old World is no less graphic than true: "Alexander crossed the Dardanelles B.C. 334, with an army of about forty thousand men, of which one-eighth was cavalry; he forced the passage of the Granicus in opposition to an army under Memnon, the Greek, who commanded for Darius on the coast of Asia, and he spent the whole of the year 333 in establishing his power in Asia Minor.

Next morning they rode out in pursuit, one hundred and eighty-two strong, all on horseback, and all carrying long rifles. There was but one sword among them, which Todd had borrowed from Boon a rough weapon, with short steel blade and buckhorn hilt. State Papers, Vol. III., pp. 276, 280, 300, 333.