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You're the best thing that's happened to me in years." "I'm flattered to hear that, Your Majesty." Almost as flattered as he was stunned by the unexpected greeting. Yasunon released his hands and reached into a compartment on his belt he was wearing a Ranger's uniform, with the Imperial Seal and pinned the star-in-circle badge to Medart's tunic, then repeated Perry's greeting.

"I like Your Majesty's sense of humor." "What can you expect when Emperor Chang set it up this way?" Yasunon was smiling widely. "It's one of the requirements." She was eighteen Standard, not quite fifteen Irschchan years old, basking in the sun beside a fountain as she considered the merits of various young males as mate potential.

But it was Jim's invitation to the Rangers that claimed most of her attention, from Perry appearing in his room after the Test Week results were posted, through his first meeting with the Emperor soon after it had been Yasunon then, not Davis, who was still Crown Prince to his brief visit home before starting his new duties. For details of Medart's invitation, see SELECT

"As soon as I make the arrangements for my family that Ranger Perry suggested, I'd like to start work." "Since you're from Terra, that shouldn't be too long," Yasunon said. "I should start preparations for your confirmation, since there don't seem to be any situations nearing the critical point; how long would you like?" "A week should be more than enough," Medart said, after a moment's thought.

The Yasunon was currently en route to Terra, and Tarlac knew why. He'd have done the same thing himself get such valuable prisoners to the safest and most secure spot in the Empire, namely to the Palace complex in Antarctica, guarded by defense satellites and the elite Palace Guard of Imperial Marines.

Except to say that some females had not fought, and that they and the very youngest children were being held aboard the flagship of the Third Fleet Ranger Jasmine Wang's Emperor Yasunon the report didn't go into detail. It didn't have to. Kranath's memories supplied Tarlac with more than enough gruesome detail of what happened when a clan was fighting its last.

When she asked if I'd reconsidered, though, I realized I couldn't pass up the chance, and I said yes. "When I did, she smiled and said, 'We thought you would, then pinned a badge on my cadet tunic and took me to the Palace to meet Emperor Yasunon. We were together for most of the next two years, with her giving me on-the-job training." Tarlac smiled, reminiscent. "That was a good time.

Chang, Lindner, and Yasunon are the only ones with them so far, though. The rest'll get them as soon as they go into Luna Base for a major refit." They had been walking while he talked, and came to a halt beneath a wide-spreading, though not very tall, tree. Corina didn't recognize the species, but liked its smell. "Is this all right?" Medart asked. "Fine," Corina said approvingly.