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There's naethin' waur nor Sim MacTaggart oot there i' the gairden, wastin' his wund on a wumman that's owre muckle ta'en up i' the noo wi' the whillywhaes o' a French sneckdrawer that haesnae the smeddum to gi'e her a toozlin' at the 'oor she needs it maist.

It was the wund o' the Lord's anger an' a' that nicht we focht like men dementit, and the neist that we kenned we were ashore in Loch Uskevagh, an' the cocks were crawin' in Benbecula." "It will have been a merman," Rorie said. "A merman!" screamed my uncle with immeasurable scorn. "Auld wives' clavers! There's nae sic things as mermen." "But what was the creature like?" I asked.

And just at that moment, in Janet's room, which was neist to his, there cam' a stramp o' feet as if men were wars'lin', an' then a loud bang; an' then a wund gaed reishling round the fower quarters of the house; an' then a' was aince mair as seelent as the grave. Mr. Soulis was feared for neither man nor deevil.

Mary's th' owd'st daughter, yo known. 'Here they are; an' hoo potter't an' rooted abeawt, tryin' these keys; till hoo fund one that fitted at th' side, an' hoo twirled it round an' round till hoo'd wund it up; an' then, yo may guess how capt they wur, when it started a-playin' a tune. 'Hello? said Robin. 'A psaum-tune, bith mass! A psaum-tune eawt ov a weshin'-machine!

There cam a bang and then ae waefu' skirl frae the Bass. And there were we, rubbin' our een and lookin' at ither like daft folk. For wi' the bang and the skirl the thing had clean disappeared. The sun glintit, the wund blew, and there was the bare yerd whaur the Wonder had been lowping and flinging but ae second syne. The hale way hame I roared and grat wi' the terror of that dispensation.