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On their return from Guernsey they had invited Virginia to make a permanent home with them, and she refused. Her reasons Monica could not understand; those which she alleged vague arguments as to its being better for a wife's relatives not to burden the husband hardly seemed genuine. It was possible that Virginia had a distaste for Widdowson's society.

In this position, I must either not speak of you at all, or make it known that I am engaged to you. I can't have it taken for granted that I am engaged to you when I don't wish to be. Widdowson's head drooped; he set his lips in a hard gloomy expression. 'I have behaved very imprudently, continued the girl. But I don't see I can't see what else I could have done. Things are so badly arranged.

It was one of the quietest of weddings, but all ordinary formalities were complied with, Widdowson having no independent views on the subject. Newdick, a musty and nervous City clerk. Depression was manifest on every countenance, not excepting Widdowson's; the man had such a stern, gloomy look, and held himself with so much awkwardness, that he might have been imagined to stand here on compulsion.

Readily she gave him a sketch of her existence from Sunday to Sunday, but without indignation, and as if the subject had no great interest for her. 'You must be very strong, was Widdowson's comment. 'The lady I went to see this afternoon told me I looked ill. 'Of course I can see the effects of overwork. My wonder is that you endure it at all. Is that lady an old acquaintance?

Widdowson's jealousy, in so far as it directed itself against her longing for freedom, was fully justified; this consciousness often made her sullen when she desired to express a nobler indignation; but his special prejudice led him altogether astray, and in free resistance on this point she found the relief which enabled her to bear a secret self-reproach.

'Speaking as a woman, should you say that Rhoda had reason on her side in the first instance? 'I think, Mary replied, with reluctance, but deliberately, 'that she was not unreasonable in wishing to postpone her marriage until she knew what was to be the result of Mrs. Widdowson's indiscreet behaviour. 'Well, perhaps she was not, Everard admitted thoughtfully. 'And what has been the result?

Whilst enjoying their holiday they naturally went everywhere together, and were scarce an hour out of each other's presence, day or night. In quiet spots by the seashore, when they sat in solitude, Widdowson's tongue was loosened, and he poured forth his philosophy of life with the happy assurance that Monica would listen passively.

Conisbee's house, for it was half-past four, and already Monica must have been talking with her sister for a couple of hours. His knock at the door was answered by the landlady herself. She told of Mrs. Widdowson's arrival and departure. Ah, then Monica had no doubt gone straight home again. But, as Miss Madden had returned, he would speak with her. 'The poor lady isn't very well, sir, said Mrs.

Miss Vesper was at home, reading, in her usual placid mood. She gave Rhoda the address that was on Mrs. Widdowson's last brief note, and that evening Rhoda sent it to Mrs. Cosgrove by letter. In two days she received a reply. Mrs. Cosgrove had called upon Mrs. Widdowson at her lodgings at Clapham. 'She is ill, wretched, and unwilling to talk.

She refused to go again under her husband's roof until he had stated that his charge against her was absolutely unfounded. This concession went beyond Widdowson's power; he would forgive, but still declined to stultify himself by a statement that could have no meaning. To what extent his wife had deceived him might be uncertain, but the deception was a proved fact.