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The Count was hailed by his august master as "The greatest German of the twentieth century," and in this appreciation the populace wholeheartedly concurred.

This contention is based on what is called the "Quantity Theory of Money." This theory Mr Kitson wholeheartedly believes, so that this is not a point that has to be argued with him. "The value of money," he says, "as every student of economics knows, is determined by the quantity of money in use and its velocity of circulation." Quite so.

He has actually made stencils or something of the sort on which by some mechanical process he has actually forged the hitherto infallible finger prints!" I, too, bent over and studied the marks on the bust and those Kennedy had made on the blotter to show Elaine. Kennedy had thrown himself wholeheartedly into the solution of the mysterious Dodge case.

Ah, madam, and does not sorrow sometimes lie awake o' nights in the low cradle of that child? and sometimes walk with you by day and clasp your hand much as his tiny hand did once, so trustingly, so like the clutching of a vine and beg you never to be friends with anything save sorrow? And do you wholeheartedly love those other women's boys who did not die? Yes, I remember.

For this purpose he calls in the help of a brother, a ne'er-do-well, who has left his native country under a cloud. He sends for this dubious person to Europe, and there between them they plan the murder of the inconvenient husband. Though the idea of the crime comes from the one brother, the other receives the idea without repugnance and enters wholeheartedly into the commission of the murder.

I distrusted Japp wholeheartedly enough, but I was convinced that in this case he spoke the truth. 'Had the man any news? I asked. 'He had and he hadn't, said Japp. 'He was always a sullen beggar, and never spoke much. But he said one queer thing. He asked me if I was going to retire, and when I told him "yes," he said I had put it off rather long.

You are fortunate, young man, to have a guru with divine healing powers! I am convinced of it!" I agreed wholeheartedly. As the doctor was preparing to leave, Rajendra and Auddy appeared at the door. The resentment in their faces changed into sympathy as they glanced at the physician and then at my somewhat wan countenance. "We were angry when you didn't turn up as agreed at the Calcutta train.

"In any situation," said Lisa, "it is always best to act, rather than to re-act. It makes you look a lot brighter." "I wholeheartedly agree," said Elephant. "However, we still have to figure out a way to get McFoot into a position to speak to us." "Yes," said Ozma, "that is true. If only we could lure him into a neutral place with a strong downwind, then we could ..."

They had met only a couple of months before he was due to sail for India, and his proposal to her had been necessarily somewhat precipitate. She had admired him wholeheartedly for he was a soldier of no mean repute, and the glamour of marriage had done the rest. She had married him and had, for nearly six weeks, thereafter, been supremely happy.

Home again in November, 1832, Morse found himself on the horns of a dilemma. To give up his profession meant that he would have no income; on the other hand, how could he continue wholeheartedly painting pictures while consumed with the idea of the telegraph? The idea would not down; yet he must live; and there were his three motherless children in New Haven.