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In the dark thickets of the tropical forests he wounded his feet, dragged himself over fallen trunks and decaying rubbish, and waded across swollen rivers; and among the crowns of the lofty trees and in the dense undergrowth lurked malaria, an invisible miasma.

"You've taken so much trouble to make it, and poor William's drowned!" Brian laughed. "Oh, we can get her out again," he said. "I think she must have been leaking where the propeller shaft goes through her stern." If it had been summer one of the boys would probably have rolled up his trousers and waded into the water to recover the boat. As it was, they had to improvise some form of drag.

Soon many of the streets became canals, hundreds of houses, undermined by the water, were destroyed, and the promise of Kravkof seemed likely to be fulfilled. Yet the garrison, confined in what had become a walled-in lake, fought with desperate obstinacy. Water surrounded them, yet they waded to the walls and fought. Famine decimated them, yet they starved and fought.

Warriors had seen the canoe and knew that it marked the flight of the three. "What do you think we'd better do?" he said. "We'll stop for a moment or two at the island and take a look around us," replied Willet. They moored the canoe, and waded to the shore.

Si and Shorty waded around to unhitch the struggling mules, and then, taking poles in hand to steady themselves, took their stations in the stream where they could head the mules right. Thru the beating storm and the growing darkness, the wagons were, one by one, laboriously worked over until, as midnight approached, only three or four remained on the other side.

Having made these sage reflections, he wrapped himself close in his cloak, and fixed his eye on the moon as she waded amid the stormy and dusky clouds, which the wind from time to time drove across her surface.

In his days, for instance, Messrs. Wightman built a pier with a verandah at the north end of the town. The masonry was the work of the seventeen queens, who toiled and waded there like fisher lasses; but the man who was to do the roofing durst not begin till they had finished, lest by chance he should look down and see them. It was perhaps the last appearance of the harem gang.

And Tom Davis was so near the dunes that night, wasn't he, Davy? When his boat went over, he could have waded ashore, only he did not know where he was and the fog hid the Light; but every one knows about Tom Davis, and if a boat did go over, a a person would try to wade ashore. Don't you think so, Davy, remembering, as he would, Tom Davis?" "Ye got Mark on yer mind, eh?"

So I slipped over the gunwale and waded ashore towards him. As I came near, the man moved out of the light, and strolled away into the darkness to the left, I don't know upon what errand. I ran after him, as I thought, but missed him. I stood still to listen.

She did not speak to him until Sara appeared and, with an airy wave of the hand, waded into the water. "I think Sara looks like a Greek god in a bathing suit," she said. "You'd know he was going to be a duke, just to look at him." Jim gave a good imitation of one of Uncle Denny's grunts and said: "He isn't a duke yet and he's gone in too soon after eating."