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Anxiously, I opened my visiting-list to see what kind of day's work was in store for me on the morrow. It was not a heavy day, even allowing for one or two extra calls in the morning, but yet I was doubtful whether it would allow of my going so far from my district, until my eye caught, near the foot of the page, the name of Burton. Now Mr.

I have learned too late that marrying a man is only the most civil way of striking him from one's visiting-list." The Duchess hesitated. "Frankly, Gaston, I do not regret the past month." "It has been adorable!" sighed the Duke. "Yes," she admitted; "except those awkward moments when you would insist on making love to me." "But no, madame," cried he, "it was precisely "

He lodged in Duke Street, gave dinner-parties at the Bachelors, had a large visiting-list, and was, as they say, always "about." One saw him everywhere in the city, in Mayfair drawing-rooms, at Kensington tea- parties, and at Lambeth Palace.

Godfrey's eyes. "Miss Templeton! Do you mean Dinah? What on earth can be the connection between her and the Jacobis. They were certainly not on hers or Elizabeth's visiting-list when I was last at the Wood House." "No, they are complete strangers to them," was Malcolm's reply; "but Cedric has come across them and seems rather thick with them.

"No, thank you; it looks rather like what your shop-people call an old housekeeper; besides, there's a little too much garlic in those compositions for my taste." "Your taste has grown fastidious," said the Captain; "one would think you were going to call upon some ladies this morning." "There are not many ladies on my visiting-list. O, by the way, how's Diana? Have you seen her lately?"

"To tell you the truth my visiting-list is a very small one; scarcely any one knows where I live. Sit down, and I will ring for tea." He looked at her curiously. "What a colour you have, Ernestine!" he remarked. "Have you been walking fast?" She laughed softly, and took off her hat, straightening the wavy brown hair, which had escaped bounds a little, in front of the mirror.

Locality, dress, their visiting-list, and domestic appearances are the four things which they demand shall be in accord with their neighbor's; and for these four surfaces they will sacrifice the whole internal fabric.

"Nor I," said Germaine. "But I have here the visiting-list of the late Duchess of Charmerace, Jacques' mother. The two duchesses were on excellent terms. Besides the Duchess of Veauleglise is rather worn-out, but greatly admired for her piety. She goes to early service three times a week." "Then put three crosses," said Jeanne. "I shouldn't," said Marie quickly.

Archie was not a man with a wide visiting-list among people with families, and it was so long since he had seen a growing boy in action at the table that he had forgotten what sixteen is capable of doing with a knife and fork, when it really squares its elbows, takes a deep breath, and gets going. The spectacle which he witnessed was consequently at first a little unnerving.

Big houses and lovely grounds lay off the main road in the neighborhood, undoubtedly the homes of country gentlefolk. And one may venture to surmise their attitude toward this public firebrand who lives in their vicinity and used to be a village boy under the care of his uncle, the shoemaker. Is he on their visiting-list? I rather suspect not.