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He make me count like whisper so twenty, /treinta/, /cuarenta/. Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, /senor/." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.

And in two minutes more they had dragged out on the floor that fine chunk of molded glass that had cost me fifty dollars to have shipped down from Frisco. "'Ice-y? says the fellow that played me the dishonourable trick; 'verree warm ice-y. Yes. The day is that hot, señor. Yes. Maybeso it is of desirableness to leave him out to get the cool. Yes. "'Yes, says I, 'yes, for I knew they had me.

"'Oh, says the nigger-man, proud to speak the English, 'verree great revolution in Guatemala one week ago. General De Vega, him try be president. Him raise armee one five ten thousand mans for fight at the government. Those one government send five forty hundred thousand soldier to suppress revolution.

He make me count like whisper so twenty, treinta, cuarenta . Who knows," concluded Ylario, with a deprecating spread of his hands, "for what that doctor do those verree droll and such-like things?" "What horses are up?" asked Raidler shortly. "Paisano is grazing out behind the little corral, señor." "Saddle him for me at once." Within a very few minutes the cattleman was mounted and away.

"I'm a pretty looking old rhinoceros to be gettin' stuck on a kid, ain't I, 'Tonia?" said he. "Not verree good thing," agreed Antonia, sagely, "for too much old man to likee /muchacha/." "You bet it ain't," said Dry Valley, grimly. "It's dum foolishness; and, besides, it hurts."

You say then when you are in tight place, "I am Son of the Charm", and you get perhaps ah your second wind. That is only in extreme instances, or to open negotiations with a stranger. Can you quite see? Verree good. But suppose now, I, or any one of the Department, come to you dressed quite different. You would not know me at all unless I choose, I bet you. Some day I will prove it.

"I never heard nothin' but the song-bird in the bush and the zephyr skallyhootin' across the peaceful dell." In ten minutes Taylor remarked: "I see the dust of a wagon risin' right above the fur end of the flat." "You have verree good eyes, senor," said Gregorio, smiling. Two miles away they saw a faint cloud dimming the green ripples of the mesquites.

An hour later Scott was under way; the apothecary threatening him with the penalties of the law for that he, a member of the Subordinate Medical Department, had been coerced and bound against his will and all laws governing the liberty of the subject; the pink-shirted Eurasian begging leave to see his mother, who happened to be dying some three miles away: "Only verree, verree short leave of absence, and will presently return, sar "; the two constables,armed with staves, bringing up the rear; and Faiz Ullah, a Mohammedan's contempt for all Hindoos and foreigners in every line of his face, explaining to the drivers that though Scott Sahib was a man to be feared on all fours, he, Faiz Ullah, was Authority Itself.

I am four hundred and three years of old to-day." "Another proof," said Tansey, airily, "of the healthfulness of our climate." "Eet is not the air. I am to relate to you a secret of verree fine value. Listen me, Meester Tansee. At the age of twenty-three I arrive in Mexico from Spain. When? In the year fifteen hundred nineteen, with the soldados of Hernando Cortez.

All we Babus talk English to show off; said Hurree, flinging his shoulder-cloth jauntily. 'As I was about to say, "Son of the Charm" means that you may be member of the Sat Bhai the Seven Brothers, which is Hindi and Tantric. It is popularly supposed to be extinct Society, but I have written notes to show it is still extant. You see, it is all my invention. Verree good.