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My fellow-traveller, who was a lieutenant de vaisseau, belonging to Latouche Treville's flotilla, proved a very agreeable companion, and extremely well-informed. This officer positively denied the circumstance of any of their gun-boats being moored with chains during our last attack. While he did ample justice to the bravery of our people, he censured the manner in which it had been exerted.

Celui-ci étoit porteur d'un ordre du soudan. Une galère et deux galiotes du prince de Tarente avoient pris devant Tripoli de Syrie une griperie [Footnote: Griperie, grip, sorte de bâtiment pour aller en course, vaisseau corsaire.] de Maures: le soudan, par représailles, envoyoit saisir

'En me reservant de vous transmettre votre diplome aussitot que la Grande Maitrise de l'Ordre de St Maurice me l'aura fait parvenir, je vous prie d'agreer, Milord, les assurances de ma consideration tres distinguee. Commandant le Vaisseau Anglais 'Vengeance, &c. &c. Despatch from Vice-Admiral Sir William Parker, commanding the Mediterranean Fleet, to Lord Hardwicke.

The island is under the government of an Enseign de Vaisseau. The Commander of the Junk is a Midshipman, so that we have gotten among high dignitaries. Landed at noon, at an inviting little sand-beach on the south shore, to get latitude39' 10". Found the ruined hut of a Frenchman, with his grave close by, and his name carved on the bark of a tree on the beach.

The epistle was filled with accounts of the entertainments Jerome was giving and receiving, and ended by stating that he should draw on me for 17,000 francs. To this Bonaparte wrote the following reply: I have read your letter, Monsieur l'Enseigne de Vaisseau; and I am waiting to hear that you are studying on board your corvette a profession which you ought to consider as your road to glory.

If, however, by the Treaty of Tilsit, the throne of Poland was not restored to serve as a barrier between old Europe and the Empire of the Czars, Napoleon founded a Kingdom of Westphalia, which he gave to the young 'ensigne de vaisseau' whom he had scolded as a schoolboy, and whom he now made a King, that he might have another crowned prefect under his control.

"Whence, and who have we here?" said one of them, a handsome young man, apparently not above twenty two, as I judged, with small tiny black, jet black, mustaches, and a noble countenance; fine dark eyes, and curls dark and clustering. The officer of my escort answered, "A young Englishman, enseigne de vaisseau."

The enemy's frigate is indeed most sadly a wreck, thirty-four men killed and eighty-four wounded, many of them mortally; one officer only has suffered, being badly wounded. She was commanded by Citizen Denain, capitaine de vaisseau, to whose obstinacy they ascribe the sacrifice of many lives.

By the side of the former stood Greenly, Bunting, and Bury, the Plantagenet's first lieutenant; by the side of the latter his capitaine de vaisseau, a man as little like the caricatures of such officers, as a hostile feeling has laid before the readers of English literature, as Washington was like the man held up to odium in the London journals, at the commencement of the great American war.

You have accepted service of the King of France you and your men; you hold the rank and draw the pay of a Capitaine de Vaisseau, and these your officers hold the rank of lieutenants. These ranks carry obligations which you would do well to study, and penalties for failing to discharge them which you might study at the same time. They are something severe.