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The references were consulted, or Sir George's own words of old delved among; and from his discourse there sprang a regular series of notes. 'It's a kind of task, he remarked once, 'that might easily enough lend itself to vain-glory. We must avoid that. If there is anything that could so be read, I alone am the sinner; for with his memories there go my interpretation and appreciation of him.

But Christ died not for the sake of our ambition and vain-glory, but he died only to the end that his name might be sanctified. That God's Word will not be truly understood without Trials and Temptations.

Taylor, who praised every thing of his own to excess; in short, 'whose geese were all swans, as the proverb says, expatiated on the excellence of his bull-dog, which, he told us, was 'perfectly well shaped. Johnson, after examining the animal attentively, thus repressed the vain-glory of our host: 'No, Sir, he is NOT well shaped; for there is not the quick transition from the thickness of the fore-part, to the TENUITY the thin part behind, which a bull-dog ought to have. This TENUITY was the only HARD WORD that I heard him use during this interview, and it will be observed, he instantly put another expression in its place.

Requitable benefits, even from equals or inferiors, dispose to love; for hence arises emulation in benefiting 'the most noble and profitable contention possible, wherein the victor is pleased with his victory, and the other revenged by confessing it. He passes under review other dispositions, such as fear of oppression, vain-glory, ambition, pusillanimity, frugality, &c., with reference to the course of conduct they prompt to.

He even set up a carriage in the fullness of his vain-glory, though he nearly starved the horses which drew it; and as the ungreased wheels groaned and screeched on the axle trees, you would have thought you heard the souls of the poor debtors he was squeezing. As Tom waxed old, however, he grew thoughtful.

Thy own knees are yet stubborn as thy neck!" Leaving him to the becoming abasement of that delusive self-comfort which ministers to our vain-glory, and which this good old man had so happily succeeded in rebuking, we will return to the spot where we left our other parties. Ned Hinkley had already joined them.

Paul says, 'let nothing be done through strife or vain-glory. It is a very sad thing to think that the human heart is so corrupt, that we should be tempted to do good, and to show our piety, through strife or vain-glory. But so it is.

Whereat the poor sinner stood still a while, and then repeated this beautiful distich, no doubt by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, to warn all learned sinners against that demon of pride and vain-glory which too often takes possession of them. "Quid juvat innumeros scire atque evolvere casus Si facieuda fugis et fugienda facis?"

Think how He hallowed wedlock in the house of the Ruler of the Feast, and there, to show that He was Almighty GOD changed water into wine. In the wilderness, how he fasted 40 days without meat; how He overcame the fiend that tempted Him with three: with gluttony, and covetousness, and vain-glory, and of the wonder men had of His preaching, for all the words He spake to them were full of grace.

For this purpose he had sent forth all his braves in war trim, supposing that the English chief had power to match his insolence, only to surprise a train which a blind man could have taken single-handed! Bitterly did Iskender curse his own vain-glory which had led him to boast at every village of his patron's greatness, and the absolute power which he wielded in the land of his birth.